Reverse Dependencies of einx
The following projects have a declared dependency on einx:
- alphafold3-pytorch — Alphafold 3 - Pytorch
- alphafold3-pytorch-lightning-hydra — AlphaFold 3 - Pytorch
- autoregressive-diffusion-pytorch — Autoregressive Diffusion - Pytorch
- boltz — Boltz-1
- e2-tts-pytorch — E2-TTS in Pytorch
- e2tts-mlx — Embarrassingly Easy Fully Non-Autoregressive Zero-Shot TTS in MLX
- En-transformer — E(n)-Equivariant Transformer
- f5-tts-mlx — F5-TTS - MLX
- f5-tts-mlx-quantized — F5-TTS - MLX
- genie2-pytorch — Genie2
- gotennet-pytorch — GotenNet in Pytorch
- lvsm-pytorch — LVSM - Pytorch
- maskbit-pytorch — MaskBit
- meshgpt-pytorch — MeshGPT Pytorch
- PEER-pytorch — PEER - Pytorch
- pi-zero-pytorch — π0 in Pytorch
- quartic-transformer — Quartic Transformer
- rectified-flow-pytorch — Rectified Flow in Pytorch
- SAC-pytorch — Soft Actor Critic - Pytorch
- scaling-vin-pytorch — Scaling Value Iteration Networks
- self-rewarding-lm-pytorch — Self Rewarding LM - Pytorch
- sinkhorn-router-pytorch — Sinkhorn Router - Pytorch
- swarms-torch — swarms-torch - Pytorch
- transfusion-pytorch — Transfusion in Pytorch
- vector-quantize-pytorch — Vector Quantization - Pytorch
- x-transformers — X-Transformers - Pytorch