Reverse Dependencies of edt
The following projects have a declared dependency on edt:
- biapy — BiaPy: Bioimage analysis pipelines in Python
- cellpose-omni — cellpose fork developed for omnipose
- cellpose-omni-acdc — cellpose fork developed for omnipose
- connectomics — Common repository for connectomics-related libraries.
- cyto-dl — Collection of representation learning models, techniques, callbacks, utils, used to create latent variable models of cell shape, morphology and intracellular organization.
- delaunay-watershed-3d — Geometrical reconstruction of cell assemblies from instance segmentations
- dexp — Light-sheet Dataset EXploration and Processing
- DiST-Net — keras implementation of DiSTNet & utilities for mother machine data analysis with keras
- DiSTNet2D — tensorflow/keras implementation of DiSTNet 2D
- dpm-tools — A collection of tools and workflows to streamline the processing and visualization of porous media images.
- epicure — Napari plugin to manually correct epithelia segmentation in movies
- evalseg — Medical Image Segmentation Evaluation
- fastmorph — Morphological image processing for 3D multi-label images.
- imops — Efficient parallelizable algorithms for multidimensional arrays to speed up your data pipelines
- instanseg-torch — Package for instanseg-torch PyPi
- kimimaro — Skeletonize densely labeled image volumes.
- localthickness — Fast local thickness in 3D and 2D.
- merge-stardist-masks — Merge Stardist Masks
- napari-label-interpolator — A napari plugin to interpolate any number of nd-labels across a single dimension.
- omnipose — cell segmentation algorithm improving on the Cellpose framework
- omnipose-acdc — cell segmentation algorithm improving on the Cellpose framework
- opencmp — OpenCMP is a computational multiphysics software package based on the finite element method.
- poremks — for analytics on nanoporous molecular structures
- porespy — A set of tools for analyzing 3D images of porous materials
- quantimpy — This package performs morphological operations and can compute the Minkowski functionals and functions
- stardist-stacked-timepoints — Stardist Stacked Timepoints
- stemia — A personal collection of (sometimes...) useful scripts and tools for cryoem/cryoet.
- torchvf — Vector fields for instance segmentation in PyTorch.
- u-Segment3D — Generate consensus 3D segmentation from 2D segmented stacks
- ultrack — Large-scale multi-hypotheses cell tracking