Reverse Dependencies of ecdsa
The following projects have a declared dependency on ecdsa:
- aalam-common — Aalam Common module
- acapy-agent — (ACA-Py) A Cloud Agent Python is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- acapy-agent-jamie-testing — (ACA-Py) A Cloud Agent Python is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- accumulate-python-client — A Python client for interacting with the Accumulate Protocol.
- adsbee — Utility software functions for interacting with an ADSBee 1090 open-source ADSBee receiver.
- aea — Autonomous Economic Agent framework
- aea-ledger-cosmos — Python package wrapping the public and private key cryptography and ledger api of Cosmos.
- aea-ledger-fetchai — Python package wrapping the public and private key cryptography and ledger API of Fetch.AI.
- aef-gw — AEF_GW is a component designed to facilitate the integration of legacy systems with the Common API Framework (CAPIF).
- aergo-herapy — python SDK for AERGO
- agent-connect — An SDK that enables agents to connect with each other, allowing them to perform identity authentication, end-to-end encrypted communication, automatic protocol negotiation based on LLMs, and efficient data exchange.
- ai-agent-protocol — An SDK for enabling identity authentication and secure encrypted communication between AI agents.
- ainstorage — Storage fucntions for ai network
- aioeos — Async library for interacting with blockchain
- aioeosABI — Async library for interacting with blockchain
- aiomonobnk — Full Async version Monobank Acquiring API
- aiosubstrate — A library for interacting with Substrate node (py-substrate-interface fork)
- aioxrpy — Ripple blockchain library for Python
- alastria-identity — no summary
- algorand-python-testing — Algorand Python testing library
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- ape-aws — Ape AWS KMS: Ape plugin to make transactions through AWS KMS
- apexomni-arm — Python3 Apexpro omni HTTP/WebSocket API Connector
- apexomni-x86 — Python3 Apexpro omni HTTP/WebSocket API Connector
- apexpro — Python3 Apexpro HTTP/WebSocket API Connector
- appr — cloud-native app registry server
- aptos-sdk — Aptos SDK
- aptos-sdk-fork — Aptos SDK
- arcula — Arcula: A Secure Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet
- aries-cloudagent — Hyperledger Aries Cloud Agent Python (ACA-Py) is a foundation for building decentralized identity applications and services running in non-mobile environments.
- Arky — Python API bridging DPOS blockchains
- assetbridge-sdk — Client sdk to interact with Asset Bridge
- autobahn — WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
- autodailycheckin — yaoys_checkin
- autograph-utils — autograph-utils is a tool to configure a kinto server from an YAML file.
- aws-cognito-cli — A simple CLI tool to get the AWS Cognito Access Token
- awslambdamonitor — A small monitoring tool which runs in AWS Lambda
- beem — Unofficial Python library for HIVE and STEEM
- beowulf-python — Official python beowulf library.
- bip-utils — Generation of mnemonics, seeds, private/public keys and addresses for different types of cryptocurrencies
- bip32key — The implementation of Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallets generator for Ethereum blockchain
- bip32utils — Utilities for generating and using Bitcoin Hierarchical Deterministic wallets (BIP0032).
- bip32utilz — Utilities for generating and using Bitcoin Hierarchical Deterministic wallets (BIP0032).
- bip38 — A Python library for implementation of Bitcoin Improvement Proposal - 0038 / BIP38 protocol.
- bipsea — Composable Python CLI for Bitcoin mnemonics and BIP-85 secrets.
- bitbox02 — Python library for bitbox02 communication
- bitcoin-address-generator — A Python package for generating Bitcoin addresses using ECDSA
- bitcoin-utils — Bitcoin utility functions
- bitcoin-utils-fork-minimal — Bitcoin utility functions
- bitcoinaddress — A simple Bitcoin address generator
- bitcoinlantern — A bitcoin and lightning library that focuses on wallets and rpc.
- bitcoinlib — Bitcoin cryptocurrency Library
- bitmerchant — Bitcoin/altcoin merchant tools
- bitmerchantx — BitCore BTX merchant tools
- bitpay — Accept bitcoin with BitPay
- — A pure Python3 bitcoin protocol implementation.
- bitshares-signing — Lightweight Python library for BitShares
- blocksec2go-ethereum — Wrapper for blocksec2go allowing easy hardware-based signing of Ethereum transactions
- blocksmith — Bitcoin/Ethereum key manipulation
- blockstack-recover — Wallet recovery tool for blockstack-client legacy wallets
- Blockthon — Blockthon: Fast and easy generation of Private Keys and Mnemonics, converting Seed, Binary, and Decimal.
- blowcurve — Simple library for Blowfish / ECC encryption and digital signatures.
- bluebees — Bluetooth Mesh Config Tools
- bluefin-v2-client — Library to interact with Bluefin exchange protocol including its off-chain api-gateway and on-chain contracts
- bluefin-v2-client-sui — Library to interact with Bluefin exchange protocol including its off-chain api-gateway and on-chain contracts
- bluetooth-mesh-network — no summary
- bluzelle — Python library for the Bluzelle Service.
- bolt11-voltage — no summary
- bpl-lib — A library for the Blockpool Blockchain.
- bsv-sdk — BSV BLOCKCHAIN | Software Development Kit for Python
- btc-address-dump — A utility for dump btc address from mnemonic words or private key or public key
- btc-hd-wallet — Bitcoin HD paper wallet implementation.
- btc-lib — Simple Bitcoin Library
- btcpay — Accept bitcoin with BTCPay
- btcpay-python — Accept bitcoin with BTCPay
- btcpay-python-sdk — BTCPay Python SDK using the Greenfield API
- bunkrwallet — Lite bitcoin bunkr-wallet working on top of Bunkr secrets
- c3sign — Compact Crypto Certs (C3) is a mini-PKI signer/verifier with full chain functionality and compact binary and friendly text cert formats
- cashu — Ecash wallet and mint with Bitcoin Lightning support
- chainside-btcpy — A Python3 SegWit-compliant library which provides tools to handle Bitcoin data structures in a simple fashion.
- chariot-base — Chariot base micro-service
- chdev-tool — A pip generic developer package
- circuitmatter — no summary
- circular_enterprise_apis — Official Circular Protocol Enterprise APIs written in Python.
- circular-protocol-api — Circular Blockchain API written in Python 3
- ckcc-protocol — Communicate with your Coldcard using Python
- clove — Clove is a library that makes atomic swaps between chains easy.
- cmcccloudsdkcore — CMCCCloud SDK Python Core
- cneal-thor-devkit — SDK to interact with VeChain Thor public blockchain.
- cobo-custody — Cobo Custody restful api
- cobo-waas2 — Cobo Wallet as a Service 2.0
- cobra-hdwallet — It's HDWallet Generator for Ethereum blockchain.
- coldwallet — Python package to generate secure paper-backed Bitcoin cold storage wallets
- comdexpy — Python SDK for interacting with comdex node
- commai — Gobal toolbox that allows you to connect, and verify your tools
- contractor-jwt-lib — Internal library for managing JWTs
- cose — CBOR Object Signing and Encryption (COSE) implementation
- cosmos-sdk — The Python SDK for supported Cosmos SDK chains.
- cosmospy — Tools for Cosmos wallet management and offline transaction signing
- cosmpy — A library for interacting with the cosmos networks