Reverse Dependencies of easydev
The following projects have a declared dependency on easydev:
- Augusta — Python package for inference of the gene regulatory network and the boolean network using RNA-Seq data.
- basic-functions — very basic functions for data pre-processing and visualization
- bioservices — Access to Biological Web Services from Python
- cmi-biosignal-lib — cmilab biosignal library test
- damona — A manager of singularity containers and their singularity recipes (NGS applications)
- dLDS-discrete — dLDS discrete model package
- dLDS-discrete-2022 — dLDS discrete model package
- dominantcolorrecognizer — Python library created to obtain a specific number of dominant colors from an image.
- dtcc-viewer — DTCC Viewer
- GraFT-Python — Python implementation for the GraFT model presented in
- graphPlotPy — A Python package for plotting graphs
- html-reports — Module to create static html reports
- image2excel — converts images to excel tables
- mmhuman3d — OpenMMLab 3D Human Parametric Model Toolbox and Benchmark
- pix2vertex — 3D face reconstruction from a single image
- pyensae — Helpers for teaching purposes (includes sqllite helpers).
- qis — Implementation of visualisation and reporting analytics for Quantitative Investment Strategies
- scLift — scevow: Excellent optimization of variant function mapping through weighted random walks at single-cell resolution
- sequana — A set of standalone application and pipelines dedicated to NGS analysis
- sequana-pipetools — A set of tools to help building or using Sequana pipelines
- statista — statistics package