Reverse Dependencies of earthengine-api
The following projects have a declared dependency on earthengine-api:
- basal-and-bark — Welcome to Basal and Bark, a spatial python package for working with forest data.
- cartoee — Publication quality maps using Earth Engine and Cartopy!
- cedar-datacube — Creator for Analysis Ready Data (ARD)
- chap-core — Climate Health Analysis Platform (CHAP)
- climate-resilience — Download, Preprocessing, and Visualization code for climate resilience data.
- cloud2earth — no summary
- cogee — COG EE flow
- dask-ee — Google Earth Engine FeatureCollections via Dask DataFrames.
- digitalarztools — Digital Arz tools for applications
- dynamic-world — Land-use land-cover analysis using Dynamic World App from Earth Engine
- earth2observe — remote sensing package
- earthengine-jupyter — Tools for working with the Earth Engine from a Jupyter development environment
- earthlib — A global spectral library with earth engine tools for satellite land cover mapping.
- earthnet-minicuber — EarthNet Minicuber
- earthscale — Earthscale SDK
- earthshot — Earthshot Labs Central Python Package
- ecoscope — Standard Analytical Reporting Framework for Conservation
- ee-client — extends the capabilities of the earthengine-api by providing custom session management and client interactions
- ee-extra — Miscellaneous functions for working with the Earth Engine Python API.
- ee-multi — A library to distribute Google Earth Engine processing across multiple accounts.
- ee-satellites — A Python library that allows to extract data from satellites, exploiting machine parallelism and relying on Google Earth Engine APIs.
- eeauth — An Earth Engine account manager.
- eeconvert — no summary
- EEDL — Code to export arbitrarily large areas of data from Earth Engine to local storage and optionally process data locally afterward
- eefolium — A lightweight Python package for interactive mapping with Google Earth Engine and folium
- eeharvest — An automated, convenient downloader for Google Earth Engine datasets in Python
- eehelper — Helper library for Google Earth Engine python API scripts
- eemont — A Python package that extends Google Earth Engine
- eepackages — A set of utilities built on top of Google Earth Engine (migrated from JavaScript)
- eerepr — Code Editor-style reprs for Earth Engine data in a Jupyter notebook.
- eeSDM — Google Earth Engine-based Species Distribution Modeling
- eeUtil — Python wrapper for easier data management on Google Earth Engine.
- eo-bathymetry-functions — Functions work with EO bathymetry.
- fasts2 — 🏎💨vroom vroom - S2 imagery downloader
- FireHR — High-resolution burned areas using Sentinel-2 data
- flood-mapper — no summary
- gbdx-surface-water — Functions and constants used by the surface water detection via GBDX Notebook
- gee-fwi — Google Earth Engine Fire Weather Index Calculator
- gee-toolbox — Common functions and tasks for Google Earth Engine Assets
- gee-zonal — Wrapper function to request temporal and zonal statistics from Google Earth Engine
- gee2drive — Google Earth Engine to Drive Export Manager
- gee2gpd — A smiple tool for extracting ee collections to geo data frames
- geeadd — Google Earth Engine Batch Assets Manager with Addons
- geearea — Managing GEE data easily
- geebam — Google Earth Engine Batch Assets Manager
- geedar-lib — no summary
- geedim — Search, composite and download Google Earth Engine imagery.
- geeet — Evapotranspiration (ET) models for use in python and with integration into Google Earth Engine.
- geefetch — A Python library/CLI to download large scale satellite data from Google Earth Engine.
- geeft — no summary
- geemap — A Python package for interactive mapping using Google Earth Engine and ipyleaflet
- geeml — A python package to extract gee data for machine learning.
- geersd — no summary
- geesarfetcher — Extract Sentinel-1 GRD time-series images over a given area from google earth engine
- geeservermap — Interactive map for Google Earth Engine in python
- geetools — A collection of tools to work with Google Earth Engine Python API
- geeup — Simple Client for Earth Engine Uploads
- geeutils — Utility functions for Google Earth Engine
- geeViz — A package to help with GEE data processing, analysis, and visualization
- geobbox — A Python library to manipulate georeferenced bounding boxes.
- geodataflow — Geoprocessing framework for geographical & Earth Observation (EO) data.
- geodataflow.api — REST WebAPI for GeodataFlow, one Geoprocessing framework for geographical & Earth Observation (EO) data.
- geodataflow.dataframes — GeodataFlow backend implementation with GeoPandas (GeoDataFrames).
- geodataflow.spatial — GeodataFlow backend implementation with GDAL/OGR library (OSGeo).
- geodatatool — Python package for geographic data tools
- geodemo — A Python package for interactive mapping
- geodemo-zw — A geodeom from remote desktop
- geodemora — A python package for interactive mapping
- geogis — GIS tools based on GDAL
- geohub — A python package created with some data and geospatial analysis skills
- geosci — A Python package for interactive mapping
- geospace — Geospatial processing library based on GDAL and Google Earth Engine
- geospatial — A Python package for installing commonly used packages for geospatial analysis and data visualization with only one command.
- greppo — Build responsive web-apps for geospatial applications.
- gridwxcomp — Compare meterological station data to gridded data
- griml — A workflow for classifying lakes from satellite imagery and compiling lake inventories
- gww-service — Backend API for synchronous operations within Global Water Watch
- hagerstrand — A Python package for an interactive space-time Geographic Information System (GIS)
- hestia-earth-earth-engine — Hestia's earth engine.
- hydrafloods — HYDrologic Remote sensing Analysis for Floods
- icechart — A python package for icesat data analysis
- irrigation30 — Generate irrigation predictions at 30m resolution using Google Earth Engine.
- iteru — Python package for a web app
- marmee — Execute safely Google Earth Engine algorithm througha tunnel like a marmot
- metobs-toolkit — A Meteorological observations toolkit for scientists
- ml4floods — Machine learning models for end-to-end flood extent segmentation.
- movdata — Movement Ecology Tools For Python
- msslib — A python port of Justin Braaten's msslib:
- nclpy — A Python package for working with NCL
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- open-geo-engine — no summary
- openmapflow — Creating maps with machine learning models and earth observation data.
- pipeline-utils — Utility functions for Coral Atlas Pipelines
- pkg-toml-test-2320sharon — A Global shoreline mapping tool from satellite imagery
- ppipe — Planet API Pipeline & Google Earth Engine Batch Assets Manager with Addons
- py-gee-tools — Helper package to work with the Google Earth Engine Python Library
- pyeogpr — Python based library to use Earth Observation data to retrieve biophysical maps using Gaussian Process Regression
- pygaul — Easy access to administrative boundary defined by FAO GAUL from a Python script.
- pysmm — Python Sentinel Soil-Moisture Mapping
- pytest-gee — The Python plugin for your GEE based packages.