Reverse Dependencies of dynesty
The following projects have a declared dependency on dynesty:
- abacusutils — Python and C/C++ code to read halo catalogs and other Abacus N-body data products
- autofit — Classy Probabilistic Programming
- backtracks — Python package to fit relative astrometry with background star motion tracks.
- baygaud — profile decomposition tool
- bilby — A user-friendly Bayesian inference library
- blip-alpha — A bayesian pipeline for detecting stochastic backgrounds with LISA.
- blip-gw — A bayesian pipeline for detecting stochastic backgrounds with LISA.
- cogwheel-pe — Parameter estimation of gravitational wave sources
- EXOTIC — EXOTIC: EXOplanet Transit Interpretation Code
- fitvelcurve — no summary
- galapy-fit — GalaPy - Spectral modelling tool for galaxies in Python
- gigalens — Fast strong gravitational lens modeling
- gwpopulation-pipe — A pipeline population inference
- HOGBEN — Holistic Optimization for Generating Better Experimental Neutrons - a package for optimzing neutron experiments using the Fisher information
- imcascade — imcascade: Fitting astronomical images using a 'cascade' of Gaussians
- ironman-package — Joint Fit Rossiter McLaughlin Data with photometry and out-of-transit radial velocities
- juliet — juliet: a versatile modelling tool for transiting exoplanets, radial-velocity systems or both
- memocell — Bayesian inference of stochastic cellular processes with and without memory in Python.
- mosfit — Modular software for fitting semi-analytical model predictions to observed astronomical transient data.
- parallel-bilby — Running bilby on GW data with MPI
- platon — A package to compute transmission spectra and retrieve atmospheric parameters from transmission spectra
- plotastrodata — plotastrodata is a tool for astronomers to create figures from FITS files and perform fundamental data analyses with ease.
- popclass — A python package that allows flexable, probabilistic classification of a microlensing event
- probeye — A general framework for setting up parameter estimation problems.
- ps-eor — Foreground modeling/removal and Power Spectra generation
- pypesto — python-based Parameter EStimation TOolbox
- sherlockpipe — Search for Hints of Exoplanets fRom Lightcurves Of spaCe based seeKers
- SNeSCOPE — Published version (April 2024)
- species — Toolkit for atmospheric characterization of directly imaged exoplanets
- syncfit — no summary
- transitfit — A package to fit exoplanet transit light curves
- tri-py — A package for efficient loglikelihood evaluation with structured covariance matrices
- uravu — Bayesian methods for analytical relationships
- vitamin-b — A user-friendly machine learning Bayesian inference library