Reverse Dependencies of dulwich
The following projects have a declared dependency on dulwich:
- agentos — AgentOS is a command line interface and python developer API for building, running, and sharing flexible learning agents.
- aiidalab — Implements core functions of AiiDAlab.
- airflow-dbt-python — A collection of Airflow operators, hooks, and utilities to execute dbt commands
- aiutil — A utils Python package for data scientists.
- alibabacloud-ros-iacer — Iacer is a tool that tests Terraform and ROS(Resource Orchestration Service) templates.
- alita-sdk — SDK for building langchain agents using resouces from Alita
- analysta-index — Extension of Langchain loaders, llms and retrievers for Analysta
- ansys-scade-git — SCADE GUI extensions and command line utilities for Git.
- aptos-verify — A small example package
- bamp — Bamp version according to semantic versioning
- bblib — beambusters library to refine the detector center for crystallography data processing.
- bdocs — A library to provide modify methods and higher features to Cdocs.
- beambusters — no summary
- boilercore — Common functionality of boiler repositories
- breezy — Friendly distributed version control system
- btgitserver — Python-based Git Server
- caldav — CalDAV (RFC4791) client library
- calendruparser — Parser for a list of official and unofficial holidays from
- Carousel — Model Simulation Framework
- cbbuild-util — Couchbase Build Team utilities package
- cherwell-pydantic-api — A pythonic, asyncio connector for the Cherwell CSM API with full usage of Pydantic 2 types
- CodeCommit-ListCommits — Retrieve all commits from an AWS CodeCommit repository in bulk
- comet-ml — Supercharging Machine Learning
- compiloor — no summary
- convbump — Tool for Conventional Commits
- cookiepy — Python Boilerplate for Python package.
- cppython — A Python management solution for C++ dependencies
- datachain — Wrangle unstructured AI data at scale
- derivatecustomer — AgriConnect internal tool to make a derivation of PlantingHouse for customer
- dish — A new, modern Unix shell implemented in pure Python with Flask-like configuration and extensibility
- distill-trainer — Knowledge distillation toolkit
- dj-static-revision — Revision info for Django static file
- Doopass — Crossplatform TUI password manager written in python
- dql-alpha — DQL
- dulwich-tree — Library to help make and commit modifications to a tree with Dulwich.
- dvc — Git for data scientists - manage your code and data together
- dvc-studio-client — Small library to post data from DVC/DVCLive to Iterative Studio
- dvcx — DVCx
- echovault — echovault is git data storage
- edu-segmentation — To improve EDU segmentation performance using Segbot. As Segbot has an encoder-decoder model architecture, we can replace bidirectional GRU encoder with generative pretraining models such as BART and T5. Evaluate the new model using the RST dataset by using few-shot based settings (e.g. 100 examples) to train the model, instead of using the full dataset.
- efictopub — no summary
- eidolon-ai-sdk — An open source sgent service SDK
- eips — Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) ETL library
- ENGR131-2024 — ENGR131_2024 package
- epijats — E-Printing Identified JATS
- epyqlib — no summary
- errbot — Errbot is a chatbot designed to be simple to extend with plugins written in Python.
- errbot-hl — Errbot is a chatbot designed to be simple to extend with plugins written in Python.
- farm-haystack — LLM framework to build customizable, production-ready LLM applications. Connect components (models, vector DBs, file converters) to pipelines or agents that can interact with your data.
- fdr-beta — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.0 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.1 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-dev-1.2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-test — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-test2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v1 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v2 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v3 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v4 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v5 — Sample fdr lib
- fdr-v6 — Sample fdr lib
- flow-toolkit — CLI toolkit for Flow language, and integration with python.
- fluiddevops — Console scripts to make DevOps easier
- flytezen — Library for benchmarking the impact of transcript count type stratification on trajectory inference.
- fowl — Forward Over Wormhole Locally provides bi-directional streaming data over secure and durable Dilated magic-wormhole connections. Secure communication with easy setup.
- freehub — With one command, upload file to freehub , or download from freehub. Easy to use.
- fs-code — PyFilesystems for GitLab, GitHub, and Git
- fysh — Command Line Interface tool for flockfysh.
- gaphor — Gaphor is the simple modeling tool written in Python.
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- git-dumper — A tool to dump a git repository from a website
- git-json-tree — Git-JSON-Tree.
- git-stamp — Command-line utility for resetting file system timestamps based upon Git timestamps
- git-toggle — Toggle Git remotes between https and ssh.
- git2effort — Calculate development effort from a Git repository
- gitauthors — Inspect variables, expressions, and program execution with a single, simple function call.
- gitbuglink — The stupid commit-bug traceability linker for the stupid content tracker
- gitcloak — Simple Python-based private frontend for GitHub repositories
- giteasy — A simple tool to get last/full version of a github repository and committing back to it
- gittle3 — A high level pure python git implementation for Python 3
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- hamlet — Building your infrastructure
- hg-git — push to and pull from a Git repository using Mercurial
- hidos — Hash Identifed Digital Object Successions
- ign8 — Ignite it all.
- inception-android — Auto config tools for android devices
- kingarthur — Distributed job queue platform for scheduling Perceval jobs
- Kit-Big-Data-To-Do-List — To Do List helps you manage your agenda by creating a list of your tasks
- kommiter — A script to make commit/push easier
- kyber-k8s — Deploy and manage simple apps in kubernetes.
- labbench — The `labbench` module provides API tools to support python scripting for laboratory automation.The goal is to simplify the process of developing an experimental procedure into clear, concise, explainable, and reusable code.
- lekko_client — Lekko Python SDK Client
- livecode-streamer — Tool for educators running "live coding" sessions to make their source files and terminal sessions viewable as read-only webpages, so that students can refer back to off-screen commands as reference.
- logdir — A utility for managing logging directories.
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- magic-folder — Tahoe-LAFS-based file synchronization
- magic-wormhole — Securely transfer data between computers
- magic-wormhole-mailbox-server — Securely transfer data between computers
- magic-wormhole-transit-relay — Transit Relay server for Magic-Wormhole
- mapclient — A framework for managing and sharing workflows.