Reverse Dependencies of duecredit
The following projects have a declared dependency on duecredit:
- bidscoin — Converts and organises raw MRI data-sets according to the Brain Imaging Data Structure (BIDS)
- bidsonym — A BIDSapp for deidentification of neuroimaging data.
- connPFM — no summary
- dandi — Command line client for interaction with DANDI instances
- datalad — data distribution geared toward scientific datasets
- ddmra — A Python package for distance-dependent motion-related artifact (DDMRA) analysis.
- dmriprep — dMRIPrep is a robust and easy-to-use pipeline for preprocessing of diverse dMRI data.
- fitlins — Fit Linear Models to BIDS Datasets
- fmriprep — A robust and easy-to-use pipeline for preprocessing of diverse fMRI data
- glmdenoise — Python GLMdenoise
- heudiconv — Heuristic DICOM Converter
- lincbrain-cli — Command line client for interaction with LINC Brain archive elements
- meinsweeper — MeinSweeper is a light-weight framework for running experiments on arbitrary compute nodes
- nibabies — Processing workflows for magnetic resonance images of the brain in infants
- nibetaseries — BetaSeries Correlations implemented in Nipype
- nigsp — A python library (and toolbox!) to run Graph Signal Processing on multimodal MRI data.
- NiMARE — NiMARE: Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis Research Environment
- nipype — Neuroimaging in Python: Pipelines and Interfaces
- nirodents — NeuroImaging Rodents (NiRodents) provides processing tools for magnetic resonance images of the rodent brain.
- p3proc — The p3 fmri processing pipeline
- peakdet — A Python toolbox for the identification and processing of peaks and troughs in physiological data
- phys2bids — Python library to convert physiological data files into BIDS format
- phys2denoise — A collection of scripts to prepare physiological data for fMRI denoising
- physioqc — A toolbox to run automatic quality control of physiological data.
- pliers — Multimodal feature extraction in Python
- psiresp — psiresp
- rsHRF — BIDs App to retrieve the haemodynamic response function from resting state fMRI data
- smriprep — sMRIPrep (Structural MRI PREProcessing) pipeline
- timecorr — Compute dynamic correlations, dynamic higher-order correlations, and dynamic graph theoretic measures in timeseries data