Reverse Dependencies of docx2python
The following projects have a declared dependency on docx2python:
- ddhi-encoder — Encoding tools for DDHI
- docassemble.ALWeaver — no summary
- elucidoc — Screens legal and other texts for sentences and clauses containing user defined search phrases
- footnotes2biblio — "A Python tool that scrapes your footnotes in any Word doc and builds a bibliography so you don't have to"
- iocsearcher — A library and command line tool for extracting indicators of compromise (IOCs) from security reports in PDF, HTML, or text formats.
- jk-contract — Toolkit with functions designed to extract various information from JK contracts
- piidigger — Python program to identify Personally Identifiable Information in common file types
- schatsi — no summary
- simple-file-splitters — A small package to quickly read, process and recursively split multiple different, text-based filetypes (like .txt, .pdf, .docx) into overlapping chunks of predefined sizes.
- smart-cv — Tools to retrieve and check information and generate information based on CVs
- sparv-pipeline — Språkbanken's text analysis tool
- word2quiz — Create quizzes in Canvas from simple Word docx files using CanvasRobot/Canvasapi
- wordocx — A simple docx manipulation utility library