Reverse Dependencies of docstring-parser
The following projects have a declared dependency on docstring-parser:
- livemark — Data presentation framework for Python that generates static sites from extended Markdown with interactive charts, tables, scripts, and other features.
- llama-cpp-agent — A framework for building LLM based AI agents with llama.cpp.
- llm-axe — A toolkit for quickly implementing llm powered functionalities.
- llm-tool-registry — Implements a tool registry to make tool calling easier when using LLMs
- LLMEasyTools — Tools for LLM agents.
- llmfuncs — Dynamically generate JSON Schema from Python code.
- llmgen — Effortlessly generate LLM APIs by simply defining input and output schemas.
- llmkira — A chain message bot based on OpenAI
- llmt — LLMT aims to make it easy to programatically connect OpenAI and HuggingFace models to your data pipelines, CI/CD, or personal workspaces.
- llmvm-cli — Command Line LLM with client-side tools support.
- lmclient-core — LM Async Client, openai client, azure openai client ...
- log21 — A simple logging package that helps you log colorized messages in Windows console.
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- luma-docs — no summary
- lytekit — Flyte SDK for Python
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- machine-logic-sdk — SDK for controlling Vention hardware
- magic-class — Generate multifunctional GUIs from classes
- magicgui — build GUIs from python types
- main-dec — A tiny library for creating CLIs
- marsh — (Un)marshaling framework.
- mate-shell — no summary
- matvis — Fast matrix-based visibility simulator with interface to CPU and GPU
- mdciao — mdciao: Accessible Analysis and Visualization of Molecular Dynamics Simulation Data
- med-chat — A framework of LLM chat clients for mediq applications.
- medicure — A cosmetic treatment for your media files: movies, TV shows and also their subtitles.
- mirascope — LLM abstractions that aren't obstructions
- mkdocs-yaarg-plugin — Yet Another API Reference Generator plugin for MKDocs.
- ml-versioning-tools — Set of Machine Learning versioning helpers
- mle-flake8-plugins — no summary
- mlpype-base — no summary
- mlvtools — Set of Machine Learning versioning helpers
- modelspec — A common JSON/YAML based format for compact model specification
- mongs-kfp — KubeFlow Pipelines SDK
- mqtt-presence-checker — Check if you (or your phone) is at home and notify your smarthome via mqtt!
- napari — n-dimensional array viewer in Python
- neat-llm — Neat is a simpler and more intuitive abstraction for quickly working with llms. Easily create tool-calling agents, generate structured output, and easily switch between a wide range of models providers, simplifying the process of building and protoyping llm applications.
- nedoc — Generator for API documentation
- neuroconv — Convert data from proprietary formats to NWB format.
- nnbench — A small framework for benchmarking machine learning models.
- notebook-doc — A package to create documentation for functions in Databricks notebooks
- npiai — no summary
- ntucool — Default template for PDM package
- numpydoctor — Completion, correction, and checking of numpydoc-style docstrings in Python.
- nynoflow — NynoFlow
- objinspect — A high-level library for Python object inspection
- omniconfig — Python package for parsing configurations from YAML and TOML and command-line interface.
- one-api-tool — Use only one line of code to call multiple model APIs similar to ChatGPT. Currently supported: Azure OpenAI Resource endpoint API, OpenAI Official API, and Anthropic Claude series model API.
- onefuzz — Onefuzz Client Library for Python
- open-llm-gateway — A Gateway for LLM API interactions
- openai-decorator — This package allows you to genrate function paramater values by integrating OpenAI's API function capabilities through signature and docstring analysis.
- openai-func-call — Easily pass python functions to openai function calling.
- openai-func-parser — Transform Python function docstrings into JSON schemas compliant with OpenAI function calling protocols.
- openai-function-calling — Helper functions to generate OpenAI GPT function calling requests.
- openai-functions — Simplifies the usage of OpenAI ChatGPT's function calling by generating the schemas and parsing OpenAI's responses for you.
- openai-functools — python openai functions tooling
- openai-streaming — Work with OpenAI's streaming API at ease, with Python generators
- opentool-ai — A protocol for AI agent tools
- orchestr8 — A versatile collection of independent components crafted to simplify task automation, particularly for AI workflows.
- ottic — SDK for Ottic API
- otx — OpenVINO™ Training Extensions: Train, Evaluate, Optimize, Deploy Computer Vision Models via OpenVINO™
- pano — Panoramic Command Line Tool
- pdocs — A simple program and library to auto generate API documentation for Python modules.
- phantom-dev — Utilities to simplify Phantom app development
- phidata — Build multi-modal Agents with memory, knowledge and tools.
- pike-tasks — Like make, but Python
- pjrpc — Extensible JSON-RPC library
- platform-gen-ai — This is pipeline code for accelerating solution accelerators
- polytope-client — A Python and command-line client to communicate with a Polytope API server.
- pop-tree — Visualize POP hub/sub structures
- promptflow-core — Prompt flow core
- PSE — Proxy Structuring Engine: Ensures AI-generated output adheres to predefined schemas without compromising creativity, speed, or context.
- puya — An optimising Python to TEAL compiler
- puyapy — An optimising compiler for Algorand Python
- py2openai — Create OpenAI-compatible function schemas from python functions
- pyaida — An AI Data Architecture library
- pybricks-jedi — Code completion for Pybricks.
- pydantic-gbnf-grammar-generator — Generates GBNF grammars from pydantic models
- pydantic-init — Through-Pydantic: Initialize Python Objects from JSON, YAML, and More
- pydoc-markdown — Create Python API documentation in Markdown format.
- pydoc-md — no summary
- pyglotaran-extras — Supplementary package for pyglotaran with (example) plotting code.
- pyglove — PyGlove: A library for manipulating Python objects.
- pyguiadapter — A gui library which can turn almost any python function into a gui application
- pymemgpt — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- pymemgpt-nightly — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- pype-base — no summary
- pypeline-python — PyPipeline is a simple Python framework for building data processing pipelines.
- pyteal — Algorand Smart Contracts in Python
- pytestbot — 一款支持手机、电视、手表等智能硬件产品的自动化测试框架,提供开发测试工具、开发测试脚本、扩展基础原子接口、扩展业务封装接口、扩展测试插件等使用支持。最新版本基于分支: main和提交ID: 1a57ae2d所编译生成
- pytkdocs — Load Python objects documentation.
- ragstack-ai-langflow-base — RAGStack Langflow base
- records-mover — Records mover is a command-line tool and Python library you can use to move relational data from one place to another.
- rekuest — rpc and node backbone
- rekuest_next — rpc and node backbone
- replete — Assorted utilities with minimal dependencies
- rubberdoc — no summary
- s3a — Semantic labeling made simple
- saqc — A timeseries data quality control and processing tool/framework
- ScanDocs — Automatically generate documentation for Python projects