Reverse Dependencies of docs-versions-menu
The following projects have a declared dependency on docs-versions-menu:
- atef — Python Automated Test Execution Framework
- blark — Beckhoff TwinCAT IEC 61131-3 parsing tools
- epicsmacrolib — epics-base compliant macro tools
- happi — Happi Database Access for LCLS Beamline Devices
- hutch-python — Launcher and Config Reader for LCLS Interactive IPython Sessions
- krotov — Python implementation of Krotov's method for quantum optimal control
- lcls-krtc — A small utility class for using Kerberos authentication with Python requests
- lcls-naming-tool — A tool that checks the form and content of names with respect to the LCLS naming convention.
- lightpath — {{ cookiecutter.description }}
- pcdscalc — PCDS Calculation Routines
- pcdsdaq — DAQ Control Interface
- pcdsdevices — Ophyd Device definitions for LCLS Beamline components
- pcdsutils — PCDS Python Utilities
- pcdswidgets — LCLS PyDM Widget Library
- pytmc — Generate Epics DB records from TwinCAT .tmc files
- QDYN — Python package for interacting with the Fortran QDYN library and tools
- transfocate — Automated Calculation of Transfocator Focusing Optics
- typhos — Interface generation for ophyd devices
- weylchamber — Python package for analyzing two-qubit gates in the Weyl chamber