Reverse Dependencies of docrep
The following projects have a declared dependency on docrep:
- calour — CALOUR: exploratory and interactive microbiome analyses based on heatmap
- cellrank — CellRank: dynamics from multi-view single-cell data
- graphcompass — Spatial metrics for differential analyses of cell organization across conditions
- hhpy — Convenient Data Science
- liana — LIANA+: a one-stop-shop framework for cell-cell communication
- moscot — Multi-omic single-cell optimal transport tools
- ncem — ncem. Learning cell communication from spatial graphs of cells.
- omnipath — Python client for the OmniPath web service
- openpnm — A framework for conducting pore network modeling simulations of multiphase transport in porous materials
- openpnm-test — A framework for conducting pore network modeling simulations of multiphase transport in porous materials
- psyplot — Python package for interactive data visualization
- pygpcca — .. |PyPIdownloads| image::
- retentioneering — Retentioneering is a Python library that makes analyzing clickstreams, user paths (trajectories), and event logs much easier, and yields much broader and deeper insights than funnel analysis. You can use Retentioneering to explore user behavior, segment users, and form hypotheses about what drives users to desirable actions or to churning away from a product.
- scvi-tools — Deep probabilistic analysis of single-cell omics data.
- spectrochempy — Processing, analysis and modelling Spectroscopic data for Chemistry with Python
- squidpy — Spatial Single Cell Analysis in Python
- stars-omics — A spatial transcriptomics analysis tool.
- wdiff — Analyze how difficult a Spanish word will be to spell
- xomega — Generalized Omega equation