Reverse Dependencies of docopt
The following projects have a declared dependency on docopt:
- aawscd — Utilities for the Aaware Sound Capture platform
- abbr-cli — A command-line tool to look up abbreviations for terms (and the reverse).
- aboki — Black market currency rate instantly in your terminal!
- academic-tracker — Find publications on PubMed, Crossref, ORCID, and Google Scholar for given authors or references.
- acl-anthology — A library for accessing the ACL Anthology
- acs — Azure Container Service command line tools
- add-qbt-trackers — Add known working trackers to a qBittorrent instance.
- addsshkeys — Add keys to SSH Agent
- adeptRL — Reinforcement Learning Framework
- admobilize-malos — AdMobilize Malos Library
- AeoLiS — A process-based model for simulating supply-limited aeolian sediment transport
- afc — Realiza a avaliação de trabalhos na Feira de Ciências do CAp-UERJ
- afisys-monitor — CLI monitor for various screens
- Agatta — Three-item analysis python package
- aggiestack — A aggiestack command line program in Python.
- agrc-sweeper — CLI tool for making good data
- agw — A pyautogui wrapper library for data entry macros.
- ahd — Create ad-hoc macros to be dispatched in their own namespace.
- aichatbot — Python library for building custom AI Chatbot with just one line of code.
- aicoe-donkeycar — Self driving library for python.
- aiodata — PostgREST proxy and client.
- aiolambda — Python async microservices fasts!
- aioload — Load test tool
- alex-py — Alex executes your python scripts with test cases embedded
- alfredo-python — ..
- aliddns-python — A Dynamic DNS(DDNS) tool for alicloud
- alignak — Alignak is a monitoring framework compatible with Nagios configuration and plugins
- alignak_backend — Alignak REST backend
- amazon-invoice-downloader — Logs into an account and downloads invoices as PDF
- aMGSIM — aMGSIM: simulate ancient metagenomes for multiple synthetic communities
- aminer-py-asciimath — A simple converter from ASCIIMath/MathML to LaTeX/MathML
- ampligraph — A Python library for relational learning on knowledge graphs.
- amqtt — MQTT client/broker using Python asyncio
- amqtt-pazzarpj — MQTT client/broker using Python asyncio
- andotp-decrypt — A backup decryptor for the andOTP Android app
- android-sdk-enhanced — no summary
- androidtool — no summary
- ankdown — A utility for converting Markdown into Anki cards
- ansible-butler — A butler CLI for assistance in managing Ansible projects
- ansible-kernel — An Ansible kernel for Jupyter
- ansible-repo — no summary
- anteater — Anteater - CI Validation Framework
- anubis-netsec — Modern and efficient subdomain enumeration and information gathering
- anycast-healthchecker — A healthchecker for Anycasted Services
- aperture-cli — An image re-sizing and compression tool
- api-buddy — The most pleasant HTTP API CLI tool
- api.mock — A utility of APIMock. (
- appcli — An object-oriented framework for command-line apps.
- aq — Query AWS resources with SQL
- arachnado — Scrapy-based Web Crawler with an UI
- Arbie — no summary
- arborist — Generate the URIs needed for the BONSAI knowledge graph
- archie — Symlink management for configuration (rc) file.
- ardynamics-cli — AR Dynamics CLI
- Arky — Python API bridging DPOS blockchains
- artis — Scientific Methods Software Package
- artis-tomo — Scientific Methods for tomography
- aru-metadata-parser — Parse metadata from ARUs including the AudioMoth
- arus — Activity Recognition with Ubiquitous Sensing
- assert-info — A tool for fixing bare assert statements
- asyncpy — Use asyncio and aiohttp's concatenated web crawler framework
- atelierflow — An ML pipeline using apache beam for run experiments
- atila-atlas — Atlas is a search engine for parsing a collection of web pages and making it searchable.
- attacut — Fast and Reasonably Accurate Word Tokenizer for Thai
- attrbox — Attribute-based data structures.
- auron — no summary
- aurora-term — AWS Aurora Serverless interactive terminal
- auto-abi-checker — Tool to facilitate the run of abi-compliance-checker
- auto-changelog — Simple tool to generate nice, formatted changelogs from vcs
- autojenkins — Jenkins Remote Control Library
- automatheque — Bibliothèque pour se faciliter le scripting !
- autopager — Detect and classify pagination links on web pages
- autopc — An image recognition framework running on a computer
- autoseeder-cli — Autoseeder CLI tool
- autosnapgene — Provide an API for parsing SnapGene *.dna files.
- avendesora — A password generator and account manager.
- avendesora-export — Exports Avendesora accounts to satellite hosts
- Avlos — Avlos Remote Object Templating System
- avmesos-cli — Apache Mesos CLI
- avmp — Command line vulnerability program manager.
- await-ccb — Waits for Google Cloud Container Build to complete
- awesome-check-link — Check if links in md file and more particuraly in awesome-list are down or not.
- aws-custom-json-manager — A sample Python project
- aws-emr-cost-calculator — Utility package to calculate cost of an AWS EMR cluster
- aws-healthomics-tools — Tools for working with the AWS HealthOmics Service
- aws-okta-processor — Resource for fetching AWS Role credentials from Okta
- aws-orgs — Tools to manage AWS Organizations
- aws-service-catalog-factory — Making it easier to build out ServiceCatalog products
- aws-service-catalog-puppet — Making it easier to deploy ServiceCatalog products
- aws-shelltools — Yet another set of scripts and shell functions for managing AWS profiles and cross account access.
- aws-terraform-casper — A tool for detecting resources running on your AWS cloud environment but not provisioned through Terraform
- aws-utilities — Utilities for use with aws.
- awssaml — Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) for Amazon.
- azkaban — AzkabanCLI: a lightweight command line interface for Azkaban.
- b2upload — backblaze folder uploader
- BABACHI — no summary
- backups — Database backup utility
- badgey — A library and a CLI to locally generate project badges
- bahram-cli — Faster Development For Django 3 Projects
- baicaoyuan — A community version of baicaoyuan