Reverse Dependencies of docker-compose
The following projects have a declared dependency on docker-compose:
- alertadengue — AlertaDengue Package
- anji-core — Core of AnjiProject, desctibuted ChatOps system
- anomaly-detection-framework — Anomaly Detection Framework allows us to calculate Anomalities on any Time - Series Data Sets. It has an interface which is easy to manage to train - predict with given dataset.
- backplane — a dead-simple backplane for Dockerized applications
- backup-compose — Backup/Restore your docker-compose projects
- blitskrieg — The Bitcoin Lightning Integration Test Service
- brewblox-ctl — Brewblox management tool
- compose-mode — A tiny wrapper around docker-compose to easily use multiple sets of config files
- compose-to-manifest — Convert Docker Compose project to Azure IoT Edge deployment manifest
- crossbar — multi-protocol (WAMP/WebSocket, REST/HTTP, MQTT) application router for microservices.
- cx-releaser — Python SDK to interact with docker registries
- data_pipeline — Provides an interface to consume and publish to data pipeline topics.
- dcm-processor — A Command line tool for the dicom processor library
- django-forcedfields — Django model fields designed to more precisely and semantically define data types.
- docker-cli — A straight forward tool to get information from docker command line and try to parse into json format as far as possible.
- docker-compose-control-center — Docker Compose Control Center is a small utility web application. It allows for control of docker containers, and specifically services created with docker-compose
- docker-compose-just-quieter — Docker Compose CLI utility wrapper which makes `docker-compose` quieter
- docker-compose-transfer — Docker compose companion for images save/load
- docker-software-manager — Manage your server software with a combination of docker, systemd, docker-compose, docker-gen and nginx
- dockeranalyser — Analyse Docker images.
- draw-compose — Render Docker compose files
- fastapi-plugins — Plugins for FastAPI framework
- frappe-setup — A tool to automate Frappe Framework setup with Docker
- goodplay — goodplay enables you to test your deployments and distributed software infrastructure by reusing your existing knowledge of Ansible.
- hnzhu010503 — A small example package
- hnzhu010504 — A small example package
- hnzhu010506 — A small example package
- hnzhu010507 — A small example package
- hyper-compose — docker-compose on hyper infra
- ibmvia-autoconf — YAML based configuration automation for IBM Verify Identity Access
- intmaniac — A generic integration test tool utilizing docker-compose (for now)
- iotedge-compose — Convert Docker Compose project to Azure IoT Edge deployment manifest
- iotedgehubdev — Azure IoT EdgeHub Dev Tool
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- jinja-compose — docker-compose wrapper with Jinja support
- jinja-docker-compose — Enables jinja like preposessing of docker-compose files.
- juniper — Tool to streamline the build of python lambda functions.
- kubetools — Kubetools is a tool and processes for developing and deploying microservices to Kubernetes.
- LuaStakky — Full stack lua web framework
- meerschaum — Sync Time-Series Pipes with Meerschaum
- metal-cli — Docker wrapper: Forget about your bare-metal and get started right away.
- molar — "A database to store chemical data"
- noma — bitcoin lightning node management tool
- nuka — provisioning tool focused on performance.
- nvidia-docker-compose — GPU enabled docker-compose wrapper
- ome-ansible-molecule — Dependencies for testing OME Ansible roles
- openexcept — Automatic exception grouping using AI
- owasp-jenkins — Automate your OWASP analysis within a Jenkins docker container that is preconfigured to use Ansible to scan and report on potential python security issues before they are deployed to production.
- perplex — Perpetual Plex in the Cloud
- pibackbone — A tool for installing the backbone pieces of any Pi-based project
- poco — poco lets you catalogue and manage your Docker projects using simple YAML files to shorten the route from finding your project to initialising it in your environment.
- pydataapi — py-data-api is a user-friendly client for AWS Aurora Serverless's Data API
- pyecr — Utility to help handle the process of pulling images to ECR
- pyfunctest — no summary
- pytest-asteroid — PyTest plugin for docker-based testing on database images
- pytest-dc — Manages Docker containers during your integration tests
- pytest-docker — Simple pytest fixtures for Docker and Docker Compose based tests
- pytest-docker-compose — Manages Docker containers during your integration tests
- pytest-docker-postgresql — A simple plugin to use with pytest
- pytest-dockerc — Run, manage and stop Docker Compose project from Docker API
- pytest-flyte — Pytest fixtures for simplifying Flyte integration testing
- rasa-nlu-contrib — Rasa NLU engine backported from main Rasa project
- ruamel.dcw — docker-compose wrapper allowing for user data and env. var defaults
- shinobi-client — A Python client for controlling Shinobi (an open-source video management solution)
- shipmaster — Continuous integration and deployment.
- spell — Spell CLI
- stackconfig — Render, merge and validate docker_compose files for deploying a stack
- stolosctl — no summary
- supercharged-cli — CLI to setup a website connected to the Supercharged Network
- swagger-atlas — Transforms your swagger docs to load testing config and run them
- tamplar — This util creates new service of python. This one has some additional command cli for control of development
- testcontainers-compose — Docker Compose component of testcontainers-python.
- ti-sdk-python — Open source library for training and deploying models on TencentCloud TIONE.
- totembionet — TotemBionet interactive notebook.
- tycho-1 — Tycho is an API, compiler, and executor for cloud native distributed systems.
- tycho-api — Tycho is an API, compiler, and executor for cloud native distributed systems.
- tycho-one — Tycho is an API, compiler, and executor for cloud native distributed systems.
- tycho-test — Tycho is an API, compiler, and executor for cloud native distributed systems.
- vectice — Vectice Python library
- vectory — Streamline the benchmark and experimentation process of your models that rely on generating embeddings
- verify-access-autoconf — YAML based configuration automation for IBM Security Verify Access
- vulhub-cli — easy command tool for vulhub
- wodoo — 'Odoo Framework'