Reverse Dependencies of dnaio
The following projects have a declared dependency on dnaio:
- bolero — sequence
- cemba-data — Pipelines for single nucleus methylome and multi-omic dataset.
- coralsnake — Transcriptome mapping utils
- cutadapt — Adapter trimming and other preprocessing of high-throughput sequencing reads
- cvmtrans — Transposon data process
- dreem — DREEM solves RNA structure ensembles using chemical probing data
- fastq-filter — A fast FASTQ filter progam.
- fastq-handler — A python module to process minion fastq files by concatenating reads as they are generated
- fba — Tools for single-cell feature barcoding analysis
- filter-illumina-index — Filter a Illumina FASTQ file based on index sequence
- hostile — Accurate host read removal
- hostile-eit — Accurate host read removal
- kindel — Indel-aware consensus from aligned BAMs
- mapping-length-analysis — Analyse number of raw and mapped reads by length
- mineer — Automated sequence truncation algorithm
- openst — The computational pipeline for the Open-ST method.
- plasmidsaurus-helper — A convenience tool for identifying low-confidence bases and reindexing fasta files from nanopore plasmid sequencing tools such as plasmidsaurus, full circle etc
- ribocutter — Design oligos to produce sgRNAs for abundant sequences in a fastq file
- seqsum — Robust individual and aggregate checksums for nucleotide sequences
- stpipeline — ST Pipeline: An automated pipeline for spatial mapping of unique transcripts
- taggd — Bioinformatics genetic barcode demultiplexing (Spatial Transcriptomics)
- ultraplex — fastq demultiplexer