Reverse Dependencies of djangorestframework
The following projects have a declared dependency on djangorestframework:
- aa_stripe — Stripe integration for Django-based projects
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- acdh-django-vocabs — Curate controlled vocabularies as SKOS
- acdh-django-zotero — A django package to store and process zotero items
- acedatacloud-scaffold — A scaffold to help you build Ace Data Cloud api easily.
- aclvl-permissions — A custom Django permissions package.
- adrf — Async support for Django REST framework
- aether.sdk — A python library with helpful django tools for Aether
- afex-audit-trail — A Django app to create server logs and users' notification.
- agl-base-db — Basic shared components for the django based database of our workgroup.
- ai-aside — A plugin containing xblocks and apps supporting GPT and other LLM use on edX.
- ai-django-core — Ambient toolbox - Lots of helper functions and useful widgets
- ai-drf-core — Lots of helper functions and useful widgets for the django REST Framework.
- aiia-django-rest-swagger — Swagger UI for Django REST Framework 3.5+
- aiit-sdk — A python sdk for AIIT OS
- aimmo — no summary
- air-drf-relation — Improved interaction with DRF relations.
- airavata-custos-portal — The Airavata Custos Portal SDK is a library that makes it easier to develop Airavata Custos Portal customizations.
- airavata-custos-portal-sdk — The Airavata Custos Portal SDK is a library that makes it easier to develop Airavata Custos Portal customizations.
- airavata-django-portal-sdk — The Airavata Django Portal SDK is a library that makes it easier to develop Airavata Django Portal customizations.
- Aitomatic-Contrib — Aitomatic Contrib
- AkvoDjangoFormGateway — A Django library that enables seamless integration of messenger services
- alastria-auth — A small alastria_auth app for django
- alcali — Alcali
- aleksis-core — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Core
- alliance-platform-frontend — Django integration for Frontend Bundlers & React
- allowedflare — Authenticate to Django with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) signed by Cloudflare Access
- alto-exp-bot — Alto experience package LINE bot
- ambient-toolbox — Python toolbox of Ambient Digital containing an abundance of useful tools and gadgets.
- angular-django — Django Rest Framework API for Angular with self-building classes, forms, and listings
- ansibleguy-webui — Basic WebUI for using Ansible
- ansys-dynamicreporting-core — Python interface to Ansys Dynamic Reporting
- antares-apps — Antares Apps Module
- anycluster — anycluster provides Server-Side clustering of map markers for Geodjango
- api-response-shaper — An essential package for structuring and optimizing your API responses.
- apigw-manager — The SDK for managing blueking gateway resource.
- apiqa-storage — Apiqa user storage backend for django projects
- apis-bibsonomy — Bibsonomy/Zotero plugin for managing refernces in APIS framework
- apis-core — Base package for the APIS framework
- apis-core-rdf — Base package for the APIS framework
- apitally — Simple API monitoring & analytics for REST APIs built with FastAPI, Flask, Django, Starlette and Litestar.
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- appleauth — Python library to implement Sign In with Apple in your Django backend.
- ara — ARA Records Ansible
- arbache-authentication — Pacote de autenticações das aplicações Arbache
- arccanet — Base package for building arccanet backend
- argus-server — Argus is an alert aggregator for monitoring systems
- ariadne-extended — Ariadne contrib library for working with Django and GraphQL
- armada-sde-rest — A pluggable Django app with ReST endpoints for the SDE
- ashley — A self-hosted discussion forum for learning
- asterism — Helpers for Project Electron infrastructure
- async-drf — Async views and viewsets for DRF
- atlantic-server — Server side of an application of an Aircraft Technical Log
- atlantisbot-api — Django App to interface with the AtlantisBot API
- attainia-django-extensions — A collection of helpful utilities to be used in Attainia Django/Rest Framework projects
- audoma — API Automatic Documentation Maker - DRF-SPECTACULAR wrapper
- auth-lib-services — Library for token verification
- auth-lib-sp — Library for token verification
- auth-token-django — Django token authentication
- authease — Authease is a lightweight and flexible authentication package for Django, offering essential tools for secure user authentication, including JWT support, with minimal setup required.
- auto-related — Optimize serializers automatically with select_related(), prefetch_related(), defer() and only()
- autogenerated-api — Get Autogenerated Serializers and APi End Points
- automagic-rest — Automagic REST: Django REST Framework Code Generator for Underlying PostgreSQL DBs
- autoreduce-rest-api — ISIS Autoreduction Runs REST API
- avocado-price-predictor — Web Application to predict Avocado average price using Machine Learning
- avocados — no summary
- b2-forms — A useful package provided by B2BIT
- b2-utils — A useful package provided by B2BIT
- backend-pheflux — no summary
- base-common-drf — Django app with common implementations for base Angewandte projects using Django REST Framework
- base-django-rest-framework — Base Django Rest Framework Project Setup
- baserow-dynamic-table — Add your description here
- basic-type-operations — Short description
- basxconnect — CRM application for non-profit organizations
- baykeshop — BaykeShop开源商城系统,基于django框架!
- bento-lib — A set of common utilities and helpers for Bento platform services.
- bfactory — Build an API from a manifest file
- bible-alignments — Word-level alignments for Bibles, including both automatic alignments and manually corrected alignments.
- bigtiger — similar django admin
- bk-plugin-runtime — bk plugin python django runtime
- bk-resource — Bk Resource
- bluedot-rest-framework — no summary
- bmds-ui — U.S. EPA Dose Response Modeling Software User Interface
- boilerplate-manager — It is a Django app to generate forms, templates, Api Rest and views for apps of your project.
- bomiot — One workspace for you to do you python app
- bonk — Simple IPAM
- botbuilder-applicationinsights — Microsoft Bot Framework Bot Builder
- botshot — A framework for creating stateful chatbots on Django.
- bpp-iplweb — no summary
- btb-judge — The judge for Bob The Builder game
- budgetmanager — Django app for keeping track of budgets, payees, and payments
- buzzerboy-saas-tenants — A reusable Django package containing multiple apps
- CalDavFramework — A Django framework for building caldav servers
- calkha-utils — Common utilities for django project
- caluma — Caluma Service providing GraphQL API
- caluma-alexandria — Document management service
- CameraHub — App for cataloguing vintage cameras, lenses, films, negatives & prints
- capy-core — no summary
- cardo-python-utils — Python library enhanced with a wide range of functions for different scenarios.
- cats-python — Cifrazia Action Transport System for Python