Reverse Dependencies of django
The following projects have a declared dependency on django:
- 1zlab-emp-ide — EasyMicroPython IDE online hosted DjangoApp.
- 1zlab-homepage — 1zlab website homepage.
- 564bff00ff-strawberry-graphql — A library for creating GraphQL APIs
- A-library — Automated Library is a software to ease the entire library-book issuing process contributing to overall standards of the library and ensuring transparent and smooth conduction of the library processes
- a3m — Lightweight Archivematica
- aa-killstory — A plugin for Alliance Auth to manage kill stories.
- aa_stripe — Stripe integration for Django-based projects
- aaxenforo2 — AA XenForo 2 Service Auth
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- aboutcode.federatedcode — A library for FederatedCode client
- abx — The common shared interfaces for the ABX ArchiveBox plugin ecosystem.
- abx-plugin-pip — Add your description here
- acceptable — API metadata and schema tool for generating tests and documentation
- accessible-django — A Django package for accessibility checks during development.
- acclaim-badges — Acclaim Badges for EDX
- accrete — Django Shared Schema Multi Tenant
- accu — More batteries for Django - an opinionated package
- acdh-django-archeutils — Utility module to serialize a django-model into ARCHE-RDF.
- acdh-django-filechecker — Django-App to store, edit, enrich and serialize the results of repo-file-checker
- acdh-django-netvis — App to visualize model objects as network graph
- acdh-django-sirad — Django App to create a django-app out of a SIRAD Package.
- acdh-django-sparql — Basic query interface and proxy for any common triple store.
- acdh-django-transkribus — django app for interacting with the Transkribus-API
- acedatacloud-scaffold — A scaffold to help you build Ace Data Cloud api easily.
- aclvl-permissions — A custom Django permissions package.
- actinis-django-storages — Same as django-storages, but with IBM COS support
- acutracer — A Acuvity tracer that instruments the http calls
- adacs-django-playwright — no summary
- adapter-client — Клиент для взаимодействия со СМЭВ3 посредством Адаптера
- adaptwms — Lightweight OpenStreetMap adapter for WMS services as Django app
- adarnauth-esi — Django app for accessing the EVE Swagger Interface.
- adede — A Wagtail app for wrapping a custom JavaScript library for frontend user components.
- adjango — A library with many features for interacting with Django
- admin-auth0 — no summary
- admin-chart-django — A Django package for chart/graph
- admin-form-image-preivew — Sami Test Pip
- admin_logs — Admin logs for django like in Google Application Engine
- admin-search-plus — Mixin for Django's admin objects to enhance searching by limiting searchable fields
- admin-tool-button — Extra tool buttons for Django admin
- admin-totals — Django Admin Totals, add totals to your columns in Django admin.
- adrest — Adrest - Another Django REST. Simple application for quick build REST API.
- adrf — Async support for Django REST framework
- ae-django-utils — ae namespace module portion django_utils: helpers for django projects
- aedttest — Ansys Electronics Desktop Testing Framework. Current module allows to setup and run automated tests and validate results across multiple versions of Ansys Electronics Desktop products, eg HFSS, Maxwell, Icepak, Q3D, etc
- aether.sdk — A python library with helpful django tools for Aether
- afex-audit-trail — A Django app to create server logs and users' notification.
- afex-sso — For integrating sso
- aflabs-test — this is a test for aflabs django app
- aflabs-test-app — no description
- age-verification-psehack — A Django middleware for verifying the user's age before allowing them access to resources
- agl-base-db — Basic shared components for the django based database of our workgroup.
- agno-storage — Cloud agnostic storage service
- aguirre — Let Python webservers self-host JS/CSS/etc assets like unpkg does
- ai-aside — A plugin containing xblocks and apps supporting GPT and other LLM use on edX.
- ai-django-core — Ambient toolbox - Lots of helper functions and useful widgets
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- aichat — A AI virtual assistant chatbot
- aiga-django-amqp — Django app yang digunakan untuk mempermudah penggunaan rabbit mq
- aih-django — A collection of Django utilities
- aiia-django-rest-swagger — Swagger UI for Django REST Framework 3.5+
- aileen — The Aileen project - A data-driven service layer for Humanitarian Aid
- aimmo — no summary
- air-drf-relation — Improved interaction with DRF relations.
- airavata-custos-portal — The Airavata Custos Portal SDK is a library that makes it easier to develop Airavata Custos Portal customizations.
- airavata-custos-portal-sdk — The Airavata Custos Portal SDK is a library that makes it easier to develop Airavata Custos Portal customizations.
- airavata-django-portal-commons — Utilities for working with dynamically loaded Django apps.
- airavata-django-portal-sdk — The Airavata Django Portal SDK is a library that makes it easier to develop Airavata Django Portal customizations.
- airflow-django — A kit for using Django features, like its ORM, in Airflow DAGs.
- aistudio-scheduler-lock — Implements a distributed locking scheme for schedulers running on HA mode.
- Aitomatic-Contrib — Aitomatic Contrib
- ajax-views — A simple Django application to easily use AJAX views with JavaScript.
- ak-django-minio-backend — The django-minio-backend provides a wrapper around the MinIO Python Library.
- ak-django-oauth-toolkit — OAuth2 Provider for Django
- akeru-cloud-access — A Django package that supports creation of IAM users/roles and allows federated access via Django users/groups
- akita-django — Utilities for connecting Akita to Django
- AkvoDjangoFormGateway — A Django library that enables seamless integration of messenger services
- alastria-auth — A small alastria_auth app for django
- alcali — Alcali
- aldine — A Wagtail app for facilitating responsive rendering.
- aldjemy — SQLAlchemy for your Django models
- aldjemy-cai — SQLAlchemy for your Django models
- aldryn-addons — Aldryn Addons Framework
- aldryn-boilerplates — An extension that allows re-usable apps to provide sets of templates and staticfiles for different boilerplates.
- aldryn-bootstrap3-resurrected — Adds Bootstrap 3 components as plugins.
- aldryn-categories — Hierarchical categories/taxonomies for your Django project
- aldryn-django — An opinionated Django setup bundled as an Aldryn Addon
- aldryn-events — An events app for Aldryn
- aldryn-faq — FAQ addon for django CMS
- aldryn-forms — Create forms and embed them on CMS pages
- aldryn-jobs — Publish job openings on your site
- aldryn-newsblog — Adds blogging and newsing capabilities to django CMS
- aldryn-people — Aldryn People publishes profile pages for people in your organisation including team members, collaborators, partners, clients, and so on, including photographs and address information.
- aldryn-reversion — Support for django-reversion on models with translatable fields and django-cms placeholder fields.
- aldryn-search — An extension to django CMS to provide multilingual Haystack indexes
- aldryn-sites — An extension for django.contrib.sites, featuring domain redirects and automatic population of the django.contrib.sites.Site table based on settings.
- aleksis-core — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Core
- alertadengue — AlertaDengue Package
- alexa-browser-client — Alexa client in your browser. Django app.
- algoliasearch-django — Algolia Search integration for Django
- allauth-jinja — no summary