Reverse Dependencies of django-storages
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-storages:
- aether.sdk — A python library with helpful django tools for Aether
- aldryn-django — An opinionated Django setup bundled as an Aldryn Addon
- aleksis-core — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Core
- alliance-platform-storage — Alliance Platform Storage
- ambition-edc — Ambition Trial EDC (
- apollo-sdk — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- ashley — A self-hosted discussion forum for learning
- caluma-alexandria — Document management service
- ccnmtlsettings — Columbia CTL common Django base settings
- codeforlife — Code for Life's common code.
- Collectfast — A Faster Collectstatic
- collectfasta — A Faster Collectstatic
- config-engine — Zipari Config Engine
- core-models — Liquify core package
- ctlsettings — Columbia CTL common Django base settings
- ddaemon-core-python — DDaemon Core.
- devpro-s3-storages — Django Project to handle Static and Upload Files on s3 the right way
- dj-core — A self-contained and extensible Django environment
- dj-kaos-storages — A set of django media storage classes for different use cases such as private file storage on S3
- dj-media-url — My awesome project
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-azure-backup — postgres backup database with cloud upload.
- django-bridger — The bridge between a Django Backend and a Javascript based Frontend
- django-cacheds3storage — S3 cached storage
- django-chunk-upload-handlers — Chunking Django file handlers for S3 and ClamAV service uploads
- django-cloudinary-helper — Helper package for integrating Cloudinary with Django projects.
- django-composed-configuration — Turnkey Django settings for data management applications.
- django-core-api — no summary
- django-crunch — A data processing orcestration tool.
- django-drf-filepond — Filepond server app for Django REST Framework
- django-dynamic-storages — A collection of file fields and associated components to allow for dynamic configuration of storage properties for file-based fields within Django models.
- django-eha-sdk — A python library with helpful django tools
- django-file-tools — Tools for working with files in Django
- django-girder-utils — Django utilities for data management applications.
- django-graphql-bp — Boiler plate for API projects based on Django 2 & graphql (graphene) 2
- django-health-check — Run checks on services like databases, queue servers, celery processes, etc.
- django-icekit — A modular content CMS by Interaction Consortium.
- django-lc-utils — Utilities for Django application
- django-multimedia — Encode and upload multimedia from the Django admin interface
- django-ocs-observation-portal — The Observatory Control System (OCS) Observation Portal django apps
- django-peertube-runner-connector — A django application to connect to a peertube runner and transcode videos
- django-resonant-utils — Django utilities for data management applications.
- django-s3-file-field — A Django library for uploading files directly to AWS S3 or MinIO Storage from HTTP clients.
- django-s3-image-service — Handle s3 image uploads via API with some sizing and processing options.
- django-s3copyfield — no summary
- django-s3file — A lightweight file uploader input for Django and Amazon S3.
- django-simple-forum — A Full featured forum, easy to integrate and use.
- django-simple-media-manager — Simple django rest media manager
- django-statictastic — A fantastic way to sync your files to S3.
- django-storage-url — URL-based Django storage configuration
- django-storages-dospaces — Small wrapper over django-storages S3Boto3Storage with sane defaults for DigitalOcean Spaces usage.
- django-storages-s3upload — Direct (client-side) HTTP POST file upload to S3 using Django forms/views.
- django-sync-env — Backup, Sync and Restore Databases and Media
- django-tg-bot-framework — Framework for building telegram bots
- DjangoEssentials — Reusable Django models, utils and storages
- djaodjin-extended-templates — DjaoDjin's Template wrappers for HTML email and PDF templates
- document-merge-service — Merge Document Template Service
- drfexts — Django Restframework Utils
- easy-django-setup — Easy Django Setup Tool
- edc — EDC core modules for clinicedc/edc projects.
- edxval — edx-val
- fake-py-django-storage — Django storage for
- feedsubs — RSS feed reader for Python 3
- fma-django — Federated Model Aggregation's Django Connectors
- froide — German Freedom of Information Portal
- funkwhale-api — no summary
- geoluminate — no summary
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- grooveshop-django-api — GrooveShop Django Backend
- joist — A django widget library for direct S3 uploads
- kitchenai — no summary
- kition-djangodefaults — Default configuration and components for Django projects.
- krynegger-crm — An opensourse CRM developed on django framework
- localshop — A private pypi server including auto-mirroring of pypi.
- magic-pocket — Deploy system for Django projects.
- mapitio-edc — Retrospective HIV Cohort for Diabetes Research
- modelw-preset-django — Model W preset for Django
- molo.core — Molo is a set of tools for publishing mobi sites with a community focus.
- mtpylib — The funniest joke in the world
- mykitchen — no summary
- mypystarter — A Django JumpStart Library.
- outline — An outline for django applications.
- ov-wag — WGBH Open Vault Wagtail backend
- package-schemes — Schemas and interfaces describing python packages
- planadversity — An planadversity for django applications.
- politico-civic-entity — no summary
- pulpcore — Pulp Django Application and Related Modules
- rapidbounce-cms — no summary
- recomb-to-s3 — package to save files in s3 in a simple way.
- rLogging — A set of tools to improve the observability of applications
- s3chunkuploader — A Django/Django-Storages threaded S3 chunk uploader
- saritasa-s3-tools — Tools For S3 Used By Saritasa
- satnogs-network — SatNOGS Network
- seed-message-sender — Seed Message Sender mircoservice
- sites-faciles — Gestionnaire de contenu permettant de créer et gérer un site internet basé sur le Système de design de l'État, accessible et responsive
- skip-django-chamber — Utilities library meant as a complement to django-is-core.
- sortinghat — A tool to manage identities.
- sp-storage — Storage provider for sharepoint service
- speedpycom — The Django Framework for SaaS
- stela-business — All apps in one for business.