Reverse Dependencies of django-simple-history
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-simple-history:
- apis-core-rdf — Base package for the APIS framework
- basx-bread — Engine to create database applications based on Django and the IBM Carbon Design System
- Boorunaut — A taggable imageboard built in Django.
- caluma — Caluma Service providing GraphQL API
- cha-authentication — A Django app for multi-token authentication, and some other stuff.
- citrinedjangomodule — citrinedjangomodule
- coldfront — HPC Resource Allocation System
- conectividadeapp — Plugin de conectividade para o Netbox
- config-engine — Zipari Config Engine
- django-bridger — The bridge between a Django Backend and a Javascript based Frontend
- django-easy-docs — A simple documentation app for Django.
- django-easy-docs-bs5 — A simple documentation app for Django, using Bootstrap 5.
- django-embeddings — A Django application for embeddings
- django-francedata — A Django app to provide a database structure, API and import scripts to manage French communes, intercommunalités, départements and régions, with their structure and data from Insee and the DGCL.
- django-identities — A django app with authentication related functionality, a custom user model and object level permissions / groups.
- django-logger-test — Sample installable django app
- django-rubble — Extend django-model-utils and django-extensions.
- django-twc-toolbox — Various tools for Django projects at The Westervelt Company.
- django-wikiwikiweb — A Django WikiWikiWeb app
- edc — EDC core modules for clinicedc/edc projects.
- edc-base — Base mixins and utilities for clinicedc/edc projects.
- edx-enterprise — Your project description goes here
- edx-name-affirmation — Name affirmation app for Open edX
- edx-notices — An edx-platform plugin which manages notices that must be acknowledged
- edx-organizations — Organization management module for Open edX
- edx-proctoring — Proctoring subsystem for Open edX
- funixora2 — edx-ora2
- gando — A framework based on Django that has tried to gather together the tools needed in the process of creating a large project.
- grooveshop-django-api — GrooveShop Django Backend
- kiwitcms — Test Case Management System
- koherent — no summary
- Learner-Pathway-Progress — A plugin to track learners progress in pathways.
- meine-stadt-transparent — A website to bring municipal politics to citizens
- oc-orm-initializator — Django ORM intialization
- odevlib — ODevLib is a Django helper library that provides a set of tools for developing web applications.
- openedx-ledger — Records transactions against a ledger, denominated in units of value.
- openimis-be-core — The openIMIS Backend Core reference module.
- ora2 — edx-ora2
- sat-automations — Contains a collection celery based apps
- simmate — Simmate is a toolbox for computational materials research.
- squad — Software Quality Dashboard
- vrobbler — no summary
- yc-django-files — Django工具集开发
- yc-django-logging — Django日志记录工具开发