Reverse Dependencies of django-recaptcha
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-recaptcha:
- cnili-authentication — Cnili Authentication
- codeforlife — Code for Life's common code.
- df_site — More batteries to Django
- django-cab — A code snippet manager, originally written to power
- django-codenerix — Codenerix it is a framework that goes on top of Django so it makes easier development and building of ERPs.
- django-contact-form-recaptcha — A generic contact-form application for Django
- django_contactform_bootstrap — A Django Base contact form with bootstrap 3 and map.
- django-form-generator — An app to create any form in django admin panel.
- django-sssoon — A simple Django app to add a beautiful coming soon page to your project.
- django-tools-contact — A simple Django app to manage company contact information.
- django-tools-contact-requests — Simple Django app to manage contact requests
- django4-recaptcha-admin-login — Will add an reCAPTCHA field to Django admin login page to provide a more secure page
- djangocms-form-builder — Adds a form editor to the structure board of django CMS.
- djangocms-forms-maintained — The easiest and most flexible Django CMS Form builder w/ ReCaptcha v2 support!
- djaodjin-signup — Django app for user authentication
- emencia-contact-form — A reusable app to add a basic and configurable contact form.
- fluentcms-contactform — A contact form plugin django-fluent-contents
- form_designer — Form Designer
- foxtail-blog — A simple blog for Django
- foxtail-contact — A simple contact form for Django
- fullctl — Core classes and functions for service applications
- rapidbounce-cms — no summary
- regulus-wagtail-extensions — A few useful extensions for Wagtail
- tom-pittgoogle — Pitt-Google broker module for the TOM Toolkit
- wagtailformblocks — A Wagtail module that provides content blocks to display and process user defined forms