Reverse Dependencies of django-oscar
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-oscar:
- django-helcim — A Django-based integration with the Helcim Commerce API.
- django-oscar-accounts — Managed accounts for django-oscar
- django-oscar-accounts-wt — Managed accounts for django-oscar
- django-oscar-accounts2 — Managed accounts for django-oscar
- django-oscar-api — REST API module for django-oscar
- django-oscar-api-checkout — An extension on top of django-oscar-api providing a more flexible checkout API with a pluggable payment methods interface.
- django-oscar-bluelight — Bluelight Specials - Enhancements to the offer and vouchers features for Django Oscar.
- django-oscar-bundles — An extension on top of django-oscar providing product bundle functionality.
- django-oscar-cch — Integration between django-oscar and the CCH Sales Tax Office SOAP API.
- django-oscar-cybersource — Integration between django-oscar and the Cybersource Secure Acceptance.
- django-oscar-docdata — Docdata Payments Gateway integration for django-oscar
- django-oscar-dsd — Django Oscar DSD integration
- django-oscar-easyrec — easyrec recommendations module for django-oscar
- django-oscar-elasticsearch — Search app for oscar using elasticsearch
- django-oscar-eway — eWay payment module for django-oscar (Rapid 3.0)
- django-oscar-invoices — Invoices generation for Django Oscar
- django-oscar-iyzipay — Integration between django-oscar and iyzipay
- django-oscar-moysklad — Django oscar moysklad support
- django-oscar-newsletter — Django app for managing multiple mass-mailing lists with both plaintext as well as HTML templates (and pluggable WYSIWYG editors for messages), images and a smart queueing system all right from the admin interface.
- django-oscar-odin — Odin Resources and mappings to Oscar models
- django-oscar-paypal — Integration with PayPal Express, PayPal Payflow Pro and Adaptive Payments for django-oscar
- django-oscar-pg-search — Pure Postgresql search backend for Django Oscar
- django-oscar-product-tables — Manage products, their attributevalues and prices on one dynamic table
- django-oscar-promotions — Promotions for Django Oscar
- django-oscar-reports — An extension on-top of django-oscar that improves the Oscar Dashboard's report generation system
- django-oscar-stores — An extension for Oscar to include stores
- django-oscar-stripe-sca — Stripe Checkout (with Payment Intents) payment module for django-oscar
- django-oscar-telegram-bot — Telegram Bot for Oscar shops
- django-oscar-wfrs — An extension on-top of django-oscar-api-checkout to allow interfacing with Wells Fargo Retail Services.
- django-oscar-worldpay — Integration with Worldpay payments for django-oscar
- ecommerce-extensions — Django eduNEXT ecommerce-extensions app.
- wagtail-shop — Shop for Wagtail