Reverse Dependencies of django-mptt
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-mptt:
- acdh-django-filechecker — Django-App to store, edit, enrich and serialize the results of repo-file-checker
- acdh-django-vocabs — Curate controlled vocabularies as SKOS
- antares-apps — Antares Apps Module
- blanc-basic-pages — Blanc Basic Pages for Django
- bpp-iplweb — no summary
- corepluslib — Django functional modules
- dartcms — DartCMS - open-source content management system for Django
- django-academic-community — A Django app to manage members, topics and more in an academic community
- django-blawg — Simple blogging application
- django-blog-zinnia — A clear and powerful weblog application powered with Django
- django-blog-zinnia-pr552 — A clear and powerful weblog application powered with Django
- django-bot-faq — FAQ module
- django-bridger — The bridge between a Django Backend and a Javascript based Frontend
- django-categories — A way to handle one or more hierarchical category trees in django.
- django-categories-i18n — Translatable Categories model
- django-chaos — Chaos is a project that you can use to do project management
- django-congo — Django Congo contains many useful tools for faster and more efficient Django application developing.
- django-congo3 — Congo 3 contains many useful tools for faster and more efficient Django application developing.
- django-content-toolkit — A simple Django package for model translations
- django-crunch — A data processing orcestration tool.
- django-dea — Double entry accounting package for django
- django-djeddit — Bare bones Django forum application with Reddit like features
- django-document-catalogue — A simple, lightweight, stand-alone, hierarchical document library as a reusable Django app.
- django-dynamic-model-admin — Define new type model in Django's admin site. New type model can be managed in admin site, and also provide the auto generated ModelForm.
- django-extra-referrals — Django referral with multilevel fee system
- django-fiber — Django Fiber - a simple, user-friendly CMS for all your Django projects
- django-filer-mod — A file management application for django that makes handling of files and images a breeze.
- django-flex-menu — A server-side menu for django.
- django-fluent-pages — A flexible, scalable CMS with custom node types, and flexible block content.
- django-glitter — Glitter for Django
- django-groups-manager — Django groups manager through django-mptt.
- django-hordak — Double entry book keeping in Django
- django-icekit — A modular content CMS by Interaction Consortium.
- django-lineup — Navigation system for django sites
- django-machina — A Django forum engine for building powerful community driven websites.
- django-mptt-admin — Django-mptt-admin provides a nice Django Admin interface for Mptt models
- django-mptt-comments — writting...
- django-mptt-simple-listfilters — Provides simple filters based on django-mptt's TreeRelatedFieldListFilter, e.g. ListFilterIgnoreLeafNodes and ListFilterLimitDepth.
- django-munigeo — A Django app for processing municipality-related geospatial data.
- django-munigeo-turku — A Django app for processing municipality-related geospatial data.
- django-nested-comments — A Django application for handling comment uploads and associating them to arbitrary models.
- django-ninecms — Nine CMS is a Django app to manage content.
- django-ontology — Database based translations for django
- django-orghierarchy — Reusable Django application for hierarchical organizations.
- django-polymorphic-tree — A polymorphic mptt structure to display content in a tree.
- django-polymorphic-tree-for-garpix-page — no summary
- django-power-admin — Django提供了快捷的生成后台管理站点的能力。本应用旨在增强Django Admin的能力,提供丰富的Admin、Widget、ListFilter、Form等等界面扩展类,同时也为常用的数据管理模型提供完整的管理功能。
- django-protector — Django application for managing object level permissions and generic groups
- django-rest-survey — Dynamic and custom surveys for any objects in your database
- django-river — Django Workflow Library
- django-shopit — Fully featured shop application built on djangoSHOP framework.
- django-simple-cms — A simple CMS for django
- django-simple-menus — Django Simple Menus
- django-stack-it-bak — Content management system: Pages is a list of (ordered) block and relevant content. Though to allow inline i18n content management, with high performance usage.
- django-teryt-tree — Django-teryt-tree is a Django app that implements TERYT database as tree by django-mptt.
- django-treenav — Extensible, hierarchical, and pluggable navigation system for Django sites
- django3-leaf — Render and serve django templates based on URL.
- djangocms-cameraslider — A Django CMS image slider plugin that uses Camera Slider/Slideshow.
- djangofwd-news — A simple Django app to conduct Web-based news.
- djangorestframework_nimbus — djangorestframework-nimbus
- djangoshop-shopit — Fully featured shop application built on djangoSHOP framework.
- djorum — Simple Django Forum
- educommon — Общая кодовая база для проектов БЦ Образование
- FeinCMS — Django-based Page CMS and CMS building toolkit.
- feincms-articles — Provides Articles using (FeinCMS content) with categories and tags.
- fma-django — Federated Model Aggregation's Django Connectors
- form_designer — Form Designer
- garpix-menu — no summary
- glossary — Glossary with common Ionosphere data
- grooveshop-django-api — GrooveShop Django Backend
- ilmo-app — Django app for event registration
- li-repo — Loja Integrada's models for Django ORM.
- ls-django-treeadmin — Tree UI for mptt-managed models, extracted from FeinCMS
- mayan-cabinets — Multi level document hierachy app for Mayan EDMS.
- mayan-edms — Free Open Source Electronic Document Management System
- molo.core — Molo is a set of tools for publishing mobi sites with a community focus.
- morango — Pure Python sqlite-based Django DB replication engine.
- nemo — NEMO is a laboratory logistics web application. Use it to schedule reservations, control tool access, track maintenance issues, and more.
- NEMO-CE — NEMO Community Edition is a laboratory logistics web application based of NEMO. Use it to schedule reservations, control tool access, track maintenance issues, and more.
- netbox-pip — netbox but on pypi
- octo-drf — Django apps for OctoberWeb.
- oms-cms — A high-level Python Web CMS
- openedx-django-wiki — A wiki system written for the Django framework.
- openhub-api — An open source GUI for the openhub iOT controller.
- pixelcms-shop-server — Server part of ecommerce module for PixelCMS.
- pytigon-batteries — Pytigon library
- qitian-django-starting — Qitian django web project basic apps quick setup usercenter system sites and so on.
- qitian-module — 起田(苏州)营销策划有限公司Django项目公用底层框架.
- rapidbounce-cms — no summary
- rdmo — RDMO is a tool to support the systematic planning, organisation and implementation of the data management throughout the course of a research project.
- react-comments-django — React Django forum/comments application with Reddit like features
- regcore — no summary
- sigmacms-fluent-pages — A flexible, scalable CMS with custom node types, and flexible block content.
- sigmacms-polymorphic-tree — A polymorphic mptt structure to display content in a tree.
- simpel-employs — Simpel employee management for Django
- simpel-journals — Simpel DoubleEntry Book Keeping system.
- simpel-menus — Simpel Menus, thats it .
- simpel-pages — Enhanched Django FlatPages
- simpel-products — Simpel products catalogue for Django
- simpel-themes — Django DB Templates Catalogue