Reverse Dependencies of django-money
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-money:
- audoma — API Automatic Documentation Maker - DRF-SPECTACULAR wrapper
- basx-bread — Engine to create database applications based on Django and the IBM Carbon Design System
- CameraHub — App for cataloguing vintage cameras, lenses, films, negatives & prints
- core-humanresources — Research CORE ERM - human resources module
- django-avishan — Avishan is just an set of tools
- django-customer-billing — no summary
- django-customer-billing-datatrans — no summary
- django-datatrans-gateway — Integrate django with the datatrans payment service provider
- django-dea — Double entry accounting package for django
- django-donations — Reusable django app to receive & track donations on charitable sites
- django-ecommerce — A Django E-commerce app for streamlined online retail, featuring product management, order processing, and flexible settings for discounts and stock tracking.
- django-flex-report — A Django app to create flexible reports
- django-hordak — Double entry book keeping in Django
- django-invoicing — Django app for invoicing.
- django-kesha — Accounting Helper Django App
- django-pain — Django application for managing bank payments and invoices
- django-subscriptions-rt — Subscriptions and payments for your django app
- easy-django — easy django
- graphene-djmoney — GraphQL Money types for Django using graphene and django-money (djmoney).
- grooveshop-django-api — GrooveShop Django Backend
- hub20 — ## Welcome to Hub20
- medux-common — Common functionality for MedUX / MedUX Online
- photodb — App for cataloguing vintage cameras, lenses, films, negatives & prints
- phy-django — My personal django enhancement library.