Reverse Dependencies of django-crispy-forms
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-crispy-forms:
- acdh-django-browsing — Django-App providing some useful things to create browsing views
- ai-django-core — Ambient toolbox - Lots of helper functions and useful widgets
- ambient-toolbox — Python toolbox of Ambient Digital containing an abundance of useful tools and gadgets.
- apis-bibsonomy — Bibsonomy/Zotero plugin for managing refernces in APIS framework
- apis-core — Base package for the APIS framework
- apis-core-rdf — Base package for the APIS framework
- arrange-videochat — A Django app to arrange a meeting for a video chat
- automate — General purpose Python automatization library with nifty real-time web UI
- basiclive — A Framework for creating beamline LIMS
- Boorunaut — A taggable imageboard built in Django.
- bpp-iplweb — no summary
- calendar-event-ease — Simpler interface to manage your google calendar events
- CameraHub — App for cataloguing vintage cameras, lenses, films, negatives & prints
- cf-pretty-form-errors — Make your crispy form errors more pretty
- coldfront — HPC Resource Allocation System
- conjunto — Django application framework/helpers using HTMX,, tables2, crispy-forms & more.
- contrail — Public cloud market price tracker for Amazon EC2 and Azure
- cosmicdb — An easy way to setup a database site.
- cosmicdbsemantic — An easy way to setup a database site.
- crispy-bootstrap3 — Bootstrap3 template pack for django-crispy-forms
- crispy-bootstrap4 — Bootstrap4 template pack for django-crispy-forms
- crispy-bootstrap5 — Bootstrap5 template pack for django-crispy-forms
- crispy-bulma — Bulma template pack for django-crispy-forms
- crispy-daisyui — A DaisyUI package for Django Crispy Forms
- crispy-forms-bootstrap2 — Django-crispy-forms bootstrap2 templates
- crispy-forms-gds — Django application to add 'django-crispy-forms' layout objects for the GOV.UK Design System.
- crispy-forms-govuk — no summary
- crispy-forms-primer — Django application to add 'django-crispy-forms' layout objects for Github Primer
- crispy-forms-propeller — Django application to add 'django-crispy-forms' layout objects for ''
- crispy-forms-semantic-ui — Semantic UI templates for django-crispy-forms.
- crispy-forms-uikit — no summary
- crispy-tailwind — Tailwind CSS for Django Crispy Forms
- CRUDXWORKERTEJAS1899 — This is django CRUD web application 2
- csu — Clean Slate Utils - bunch of utility code, mostly Django/DRF specific.
- deligence-django-docusign-connect — installable django app to integrate with docusign APIs.
- dj-active-campaign — A Django Implementation of the Active Campaign Python SDK
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-add-comments — Add and display htmx comments to arbitrary Django models.
- django-adminx — django extended admin
- django-ajax-views — Django class based views extension working together with js library require-ajax-views.
- django-appointments — Installable django app to for appointment booking.
- django-arvestust — A Django app for file management and record-keeping
- django-aux — Useful Mixins for Django Projects
- django-baseline — Convenienve functionality for Django projects.
- django-beam — A crud library for python
- django-blogorama — Blogging App to add to any project
- django-bona-blog — A Django blog app with features of a standard blogging platform.
- django-bookdates — Book dates in shared calendars
- django-cast — no summary
- django_contactform_bootstrap — A Django Base contact form with bootstrap 3 and map.
- django-crispy-admin — Django Crispy Admin allows you to edit your forms with the handy crispy forms, and bootstrap3 FTW!
- django-crispy-bulma — Django application to add 'django-crispy-forms' layout objects for
- django-crispy-contact-form — Customizable contact form based on crispy-forms with captcha support for Django 1.11+
- django-crispy-dynamic-relationships — Django crispy forms with dynamic one to many relationships.
- django-crispy-tableselect — Crispy layout object for selecting rows in a table
- django-crispy-views — crispy views for django.
- django-crud-views — Django Crud Views
- django-cruds-mixins — Fast and predicatable creation of admin panels and applications
- django-danceschool — The Django Dance School project: a modular, reusable set of designed to integrate all of the regular functions of a social dance school with the Django CMS content management system
- django-djeddit — Bare bones Django forum application with Reddit like features
- django-draftjs-tools — Django Tools around DraftJS format
- django-dsfr — Integrate the French government Design System into a Django app
- django-eventcalendar — eventcalendar
- django-feedback-govuk — A Django app to gather and send internal Government staff feedback
- django-fluent-comments — A modern, ajax-based appearance for django_comments
- django-form-generator — An app to create any form in django admin panel.
- django-fsmedhro-core — Basisapp für die Webseite des FSR Medizin der Uni Rostock
- django-help — A Django Knowledgebase
- django-help-me — An app for providing a simple Help Desk & FAQ for users.
- django-hkis — Django HackInScience exercises app.
- django-htmx-modal-forms — Django class-based views for HTMX-powered Bootstrap modals
- django-integrations — Tools for creating and managing multi-site integrations like API Keys and Tokens
- django-jinja-helpers — Helpers for using django-jinja
- django-lazycrud — A little Django app to reduce boilerplate code at a minimum when you write class based views in a typical CRUD scenario.
- django-lti-toolbox — A Django application to build LTI Tool Providers
- django-massmailer — A standalone Django app to send templated emails in batch. Features a custom query engine and template editor with preview.
- django-model-controller — A model tracking field
- django-nested-modals — Django app to implement Bootstrap nested modals
- django-oneevent — A Django app to manage registration to events.
- django-permafrost — Adds Client Definable Permissions to Django
- django-personal-finance — (formerly django-budget) a simple budgeting application for use with Django. It is designed to manage personal finances.
- django-pit-survey — Django app with web forms to assist with the collection of data for Point-in-Time (PIT) counts for the Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) sent to the U.S. Congress.
- django-query-view — Django view for querying data
- django-quickstarter — Django-based project boilerplate that follows best practices
- django-quotes — A reusable Django app to collect quotes for use in random retrieval or generation of sentences using Markov Chains.
- django-release-manager — A Release Manager for Embedded Apps in your website, such as an SPA.
- django-release-notes — A Simple Tools for Managing Release Notes for a Site
- django-reusable — Agnostic and easy to use reusable library for django
- django-saasy — A simple project for setting up common features of SaaS based applications
- django-site-aliases — A tool to support site aliases that wrap around Django's Site framework
- django-site-configs — A Django app that manages configurations per-site on a multi-site setup. These configs can be made avaialble to users of different sites or administerd via the Django admin.
- django-sodar-core — SODAR Core framework and project management apps
- django-sp — Django application for custom Social Profile Auth and User model.
- django-space — This package is setup a django project in quick way.
- django-sphinx-hosting — Reusable Django app for hosting Sphinx documentation privately.
- django-spire — A project for Django Spire
- django-stylist — App for updating and manipulating SASS/SCSS compiling & caching on the fly
- django-user-app — A user app for Django3
- django-user-notifications — Django App that extendes django-user-messages for createing easy user notifications based user set rules.
- django-vega-admin — Simple and fast automated CRUD for any Django model