Reverse Dependencies of django-countries
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-countries:
- adm-boundary-manager — Load, manage and visualize Administrative Boundaries Data in Wagtail
- basx-bread — Engine to create database applications based on Django and the IBM Carbon Design System
- CameraHub — App for cataloguing vintage cameras, lenses, films, negatives & prints
- cfl-common — no summary
- cloudlaunch-server — CloudLaunch is a ReSTful, extensible Django app for discovering and launching applications on cloud, container, or local infrastructure
- codeforlife — Code for Life's common code.
- conjunto — Django application framework/helpers using HTMX,, tables2, crispy-forms & more.
- ddaemon-core-python — DDaemon Core.
- django-baseline — Convenienve functionality for Django projects.
- django-codenerix-transports — Codenerix Transports is a module that enables CODENERIX to manage transports and let clients to request transport of packages with kwnown companies.
- django-cookie-control — Django plugin to add and configure the Cookie Control by Civic UK
- django-countries-geoextent — Country geographic extent plugin for Django Countries
- django-countries-hdx — Adds extra M49 data to django-countries using hdx-python-country.
- django-country2 — Provides Django middleware that detects a country the request came from.
- django-df-geolocation — Django DF GEOlocation
- django-geopostcodes — Django modelling for
- django-icekit — A modular content CMS by Interaction Consortium.
- django-invoicing — Django app for invoicing.
- django-ixp-tracker — Library to retrieve and manipulate data about IXPs
- django-peeringdb — PeeringDB Django models
- django-plans — Pluggable django app for managing pricing plans with quotas and accounts expiration
- django-proxylist-for-grab — Proxy-list management application for Django
- django-publications-bootstrap — A Django app for managing scientific publications with a Bootstrap-powered UI.
- django-reversion-compare — Add compare view to django-reversion for comparing two versions of a reversion model.
- django-sage-contact — Django package to handle user contact information and contact form.
- django-sp — Django application for custom Social Profile Auth and User model.
- django-sso-app — Django user profiles management app
- django-tracking-analyzer — User actions tracking and analytics for Django sites.
- django-uploads-app — Django uploads manager
- django-user-email-extension — User model extender for django
- djangocms-oidc — Plugin OIDC (OpenID Connect) into Django CMS.
- djaodjin-saas — Django application for software-as-service and subscription businesses
- easys-ordermanager — API definition of RH order manager for EasyS
- edx-enterprise — Your project description goes here
- emencia-contact-form — A reusable app to add a basic and configurable contact form.
- froide-payment — Froide payment app
- fullctl — Core classes and functions for service applications
- huscy.subjects — Managing subjects in a human research context.
- leprikon — Django CMS based IS for education
- milea-base — Milea Framework - Milea Base Module
- ob-dj-store — OBytes django application for managing ecommerce stores.
- officekit — A Wagtail app providing models for people, teams, addresses and other office-related entities.
- pretix-fattura-elettronica — Plugin for Italian Electronic Invoices
- pyfb-direction — Phonenumber's direction package
- python-converters — Write conversions between python objects using an expressive and declarative class-based API
- satnogs-db — SatNOGS DB
- shark — Django based billing application
- simo — Smart Home on Steroids!
- unicef-business-areas — Provides Basic UNICEF User model and integration with Azure
- unicef-realm — Provides Business Area and User Role permission management
- unicef-security — Provides Basic UNICEF User model and integration with Azure
- wafer-debconf — Wafer extensions used by DebConf
- wagtail-mailchimp-integration — Integration of Mailchimp Email Marketing in Wagtail Form Builder Pages.
- wlhosted — Hosted Weblate Customization