Reverse Dependencies of django-admin-sortable2
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-admin-sortable2:
- aldryn-faq — FAQ addon for django CMS
- aldryn-jobs — Publish job openings on your site
- app-ordering — Sorting and toggle visible for Django admin apps
- bpp-iplweb — no summary
- dcodex — A software framework for manuscript analysis
- django-banner — A simple banner module.
- django-budget — A tool to help newsrooms manage their content, from pitch to planning to production.
- django-business-logic — Visual DSL framework for django
- django-content-blocks — HTML content blocks for Django.
- django-danceschool — The Django Dance School project: a modular, reusable set of designed to integrate all of the regular functions of a social dance school with the Django CMS content management system
- django-datashow — Present your datasets on your django site
- django-document-catalogue — A simple, lightweight, stand-alone, hierarchical document library as a reusable Django app.
- django-dynamic-filters — A Django application for dynamic admin filters.
- django-ecommerce — A Django E-commerce app for streamlined online retail, featuring product management, order processing, and flexible settings for discounts and stock tracking.
- django-for-runners — Store your GPX tracks of your running (or other sports activity) in django.
- django-fritzconnection — Web based FritzBox management using Python/Django.
- django-headless-cms — A simple django-based headless CMS.
- django-imagedeck — A package to seamlessly group different sorts of images into groups.
- django-lite-cms-core — CMS core classes for Django.
- django-page — Django korean style simplest CMS
- django-shop — A RESTful e-commerce framework based on Django
- django-shopit — Fully featured shop application built on djangoSHOP framework.
- django-simple-bulk-emailer — A Django app for sending bulk email
- django-simple-forms — A Django app for creating forms
- djangocms-moderation — no summary
- djangoshop-shopit — Fully featured shop application built on djangoSHOP framework.
- giant-people — A small reusable package that adds a People app to a project
- glamkit-collections — Boilerplate for modelling collections of collecting institutions.
- hidlroute-server — HidlRoute - advanced vpn management system
- juntagrico — juntagrico is a management platform for community gardens and vegetable cooperatives.
- leprikon — Django CMS based IS for education
- prologin-eventsd — Django event management system
- pyinventory — Web based management to catalog things including state and location etc. using Python/Django.
- robotframework-keyta — A web UI for Robot Framework
- simo — Smart Home on Steroids!
- Staby — Django based CMS
- telebaka-faq — no summary
- telebaka-lprmerch-poll — no summary
- waves-core — WAVES - core package