Reverse Dependencies of distribute
The following projects have a declared dependency on distribute:
- atx-androguard — Androguard is a full python tool to play with Android files.
- Bottle-Inject — Dependency injection for Bottle.
- breakout-env — A configurable Breakout environment for reinforcement learning
- cosmoabc — Python ABC sampler
- gang — Python dictionary with dot-style access
- li-apiclient — Loja Integrada's API Client
- li-repo — Loja Integrada's models for Django ORM.
- objdiff — Returns a list of commands/delta to go from one tree of objects to another
- pgthumbor — Postgres Storage for Thumbor
- python-gerrit — Gerrit SSH Lib
- scrapy-broadsoftxchange — Download documents and published software from Broadsoft Xchange
- supervisord-nagios — nagios checks for supervisord services
- unpredictableFate — Official unF rule book.