Reverse Dependencies of dimod
The following projects have a declared dependency on dimod:
- amazon-braket-ocean-plugin — An open source framework for interacting with D-Wave's Ocean library through Amazon Braket
- AQMLator — A package for auto quantum machine learning-izing your experiments!
- beit-qubo-solver — Client package for the exact qubo solver by BEIT available at AWS Marketplace.
- bqs — Better Quantum Software
- bqtmizer — BQTmizer: A Tool for Test Case Minimization with Quantum Annealing
- dimod-cache — A replay cache for the `dimod.Sampler`-class.
- dwave-cloud-client — A minimal client for interacting with D-Wave cloud resources.
- dwave-hybrid — Hybrid Asynchronous Decomposition Solver Framework
- dwave-inspector — D-Wave Problem Inspector tool
- dwave-micro-client-dimod — dimod wrapper for the D-Wave Micro Client
- dwave-networkx — A NetworkX extension providing graphs and algorithms relevent to working with the D-Wave System
- dwave-ocean-sdk — Software development kit for open source D-Wave tools
- dwave-preprocessing — An API for preprocessing tools
- dwave-qbsolv — no summary
- dwave_sage — General Ising graph simulated annealing solver
- dwave-samplers — Ocean-compatible collection of solvers/samplers
- dwave-sapi-dimod — no summary
- dwave-scikit-learn-plugin — A plugin to scikit-learn for quantum hybrid solving
- dwave-sdk — Software development kit for open source D-Wave tools
- dwave-system — All things D-Wave System.
- dwavebinarycsp — Solves constraints satisfaction problems with binary quadratic model samplers
- dynex — Dynex SDK Neuromorphic Computing
- falcondale — Falcondale SDK
- FastHareComposite — A composite for using FastHare reduction with the samplers from D-Wave Ocean SDK
- jij-cimod — C++ library for a binary (and polynomial) quadratic model.
- jijcloud — no summary
- jijmodeling-transpiler — no summary
- kipu-client — Python client for Kipu platform
- luna-quantum — Python SDK for Aqarios' Luna Platform
- npqtools — Library for reinterpretation main np-problems into Ising model for quantum computer
- omniqubo — Extensible framework for transforming optimization models to binary models
- omnisolver — Extensible framework for creating and running Binary Quadratic Model solvers and samplers.
- openjij — Framework for the Ising model and QUBO.
- penaltymodel — Package for creating penalty models.
- penaltymodel-cache — A local cache for penalty models.
- penaltymodel-lp — Generates penalty models using SciPy's linear programming.
- penaltymodel-mip — Generates penalty models using Google Optimization Tools' Mixed-Integer Programming capability.
- pygrnd — A python library for quantum algorithms and software
- pyqubo — PyQUBO allows you to create QUBOs or Ising models from mathematical expressions.
- pyqubo2 — PyQUBO allows you to create QUBOs or Ising models from mathematical expressions with support for Python 3.12
- qaga — no summary
- qc-benchmark-dwave — caict qc benchmark tooklit for Dwave Leap cloud
- qonic — The Qonic project is an open source, expandable framework for solving problems using hybrid quantum computing solutions.
- quantagonia — This package contains the CLI and API to access Quantagonia's HybridSolver.
- quark-famework — Framework for Quantum Computing Application Benchmarking
- quark-framework — Framework for Quantum Computing Application Benchmarking
- qudas — Quantum data transform package
- strangeworks-hybrid-optimize — Extension to strangeworks sdk to allow user to run the hybrid optimization service
- strangeworks-optimization — This SDK extends the Strangeworks SDK to provide access to the Strangeworks Optimization API.
- strangeworks-optimization-models — Pydantic models for strangeworks optimization SDK and application
- strangeworks-qaoa — Extension to strangeworks sdk to allow user to run qaoa service
- tno.quantum.problems.portfolio-optimization — Quantum Computing based Portfolio Optimization
- uqo — Client of the optimization framework UQO
- uqoclient — Client of the optimisation framework UQO
- uvic-qplex — an open-source Python library that enables developers to implement combinatorial optimization models and execute them seamlessly on multiple classical and quantum devices using different quantum algorithms.
- v-quantum-annealing — Quantum Computer Library for Everyone
- vqa-cimod — Quantum Computer Library for Everyone
- vrp-quantum-solver — Package to solve vehicle routing problems using quantum optimization algorithms