Reverse Dependencies of dicttoxml
The following projects have a declared dependency on dicttoxml:
- aanalytics2 — Adobe Analytics API 2.0 and 1.4 python wrapper
- adif2xml — Converts an ADIF file to XML.
- apprise-transactions — Push Notifications that work with just about every payment platform!
- assembly — Assembly is a pythonic object-oriented, mid stack, batteries included framework built on Flask, that adds structure to your Flask application, and group your routes by class.Assembly allows developers to build web applications in much the same way they would build any other object-oriented Python program.Assembly Makes Flask Great Again!
- atms-api — Helper functions to interact with the WisDOT ATMS API
- badX12 — A Python Library for parsing ANSI ASC X12 files.
- bigbluebutton2 — Sophisticated Python client library for BigBlueButton™ with Django integration
- bling-integration — Integração bling
- bodo-platform-extensions — IPython magic extensions for the Bodo Cloud Platform
- cctld-sdk — CCTLD SDK
- cdiscountapi — cdiscountapi is a wrapper around the Cdiscount Marketplace API
- clairmeta — ClairMeta is a python package for Digital Cinema Package (DCP) probing and checking.
- codec-Watteco — This codec is used to encode the data to send to the nke Watteco sensor. And to decode the received data.
- configconverter — A versatile tool to convert configuration files between different formats.
- cos-python-sdk-v5 — cos-python-sdk-v5
- cos-python3-sdk-v5 — [UNOFFICIAL] Python 3.5 SDK for Tencent Cloud (QCloud) COS
- custard — custard easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
- CveXplore — Package for interacting with cve-search
- dans-datastation-tools — Command line utilities for Data Station application management
- deen — Generic data DEcoding/ENcoding application built with PyQt5
- diffx — compare xml or json files with svg/html report
- dir-content-diff — Simple tool to compare directory contents.
- django-import-data — A Django command line tool for importing HTML, XML and JSON data to models via XSLT mapping
- django-import-export-xml — An XML export format for django-import-export
- django-young-america — Django Young America service
- echelon-client-agent — Communication Agent
- echelon-client-echelon — Communication Agent
- econt — no summary
- econt-test — Integrating Econt API using Python
- eoreader — Remote-sensing opensource python library reading optical and SAR constellations, loading and stacking bands, clouds, DEM and spectral indices in a sensor-agnostic way.
- eosets — This library aims to simplify any process working with different sets of EO data handled by EOReader.
- etradebot — A Python-based trading bot for the E-Trade platform
- exporters — Exporters is an extensible export pipeline library that supports filter, transform and several sources and destinations.
- fdlogger — ARRL Field Day logger GUI
- fhaviary — Gymnasium framework for training language model agents on constructive tasks
- flarchitect — Automatic RESTful API generator with redoc
- Flasik — A mid stack Flask based framework that put structure in the file system. Features: Caching, Mailing, Storage, CSRF, recaptcha, Cors. Supports HTML and Markdown and more
- flask-assembly — A mid stack Flask based framework that put structure in the file system. Features: Caching, Mailing, Storage, CSRF, recaptcha, Cors. Supports HTML and Markdown and more
- gbdmigration — Migration from GBD to AWS package
- geometadp — Geophysical Metadata Picker
- gestures — Microsoft Gestures SDK
- ghrc-process — Library for creating Cumulus Process tasks in Python
- git-fingerprint — Git Fingerprint is a web fingerprinting tool that attempts to scan a target based on the files a git repository by enumerating over all files ever found in the public web root and comparing cryptographic hashes of each commit, branch or tag in order to calculate the best possible match.
- hedra — Performance testing at scale.
- HiveNetLib — 一个方便开发人员调用的,集合一些常用开发功能的开发Python库.
- huawei-e3-e5 — API For huawei LAN/WAN LTE Modems
- hyperscale — Performance testing at scale.
- ifiscripts — Scripts for processing moving image material in the Irish Film Institute/Irish Film Archive
- ip2geotools — Simple tool for getting geolocation information on given IP address from various geolocation databases.
- ismartgate — iSmartGate and GogoGate2 API
- jamf-pro-sdk — Jamf Pro SDK for Python
- Jepy — A simple Python wrapper to access the Johns Eastern Company API.
- MechElastic — A Python library to calculate elastic properties of materials.
- MedatechUK.APY — MedatechUK Python API for Priority oData
- metacatalog — Metadata model management module.
- micado-client — A Python Client Library for MiCADO
- namanager — A file or/and directory name manager which could determinenames are/aren't expectable, and you could also automatically rename it.
- neelthee-mansion — A text-based adventure game set in Neel-thee’s mansion.
- nlm-utils — Common utilities used by all nlm-* libraries.
- not1mm — NOT1MM Logger
- nuldc — no summary
- nv-nfe — Simple XML parser for reading standard Brazilian digital invoices (NFe)
- nv.utils — Parsers, formatters, data structures and helpers for Python 3 (>=3.9)
- o2r-meta — A package to extract metadata from files and directories
- object-to-xfile — Generate csv,xlxs,excel,pdf and html file from python dictionary objects
- odoo12-addon-l10n-cl-electronic-invoicing — Get your customer invoices signed by SII.
- paloalto-panorama-sdk — This SDK is designed to make it easier to work with the Palo Alto Panorama API.
- pih-web — PIH Web Server service package
- PistolMagazine — A data mocking tool designed to help you generate realistic data for testing and development purposes.
- planai — A simple framework for coordinating classical compute and LLM-based tasks.
- plugo — Is a simple plugin manager that will dynamically load plugins from a directory given a config or env variable with dynamic kwargs to pass for plugin loading.
- privex-neighgen — NeighGen - A BGP neighbour config generator written in Python, using PeeringDB's API to discover ASN BGP addresses
- pyduq — A tool to validate data accoridng to the University of Queensland conformed dimensions of data quality.
- pyfairdatatools — Tools for AI-READI
- pygrest — Build REST APIs with Neo4j and Flask, as quickly as possible!
- pyon-lib — Pythonic Object Notation - with native objects and path support
- pyOTDR — A simple OTDR SOR file parser
- pyramid-georest — pyramid_georest, extension for pyramid web frame work to provide rest interface for sql-alchemy mappers
- pyrolite-meltsutil — pyrolite extension for working with alphaMELTS and its outputs.
- pystf — Python Stream TransFormer
- pytcs — Python API for processing TwinCAT Scope data files
- pytest-collect-formatter — Formatter for pytest collect output
- pytest-collect-formatter2 — Formatter for pytest collect output
- python-unittest-cogent — Python unittest runner and result generator in three different formats json, xml, html
- pyvn — Python3 Ivnosys Utils
- resting — Pretty convenient REST API client
- sbomgen — SBOM Generator in cyclonedx format
- sbomgencli — CLI tool for sbomgen
- sbomgentwo — SBOM Generator in cyclonedx format
- senlib — A pure Python library for some I2C sensors.
- smartbill-sdk — no summary
- sparcur — assorted
- tcf — This is a local tools for SCF.
- TEStribute — Task distribution for GA4GH TES instances
- tikit-en — Kit for TI PLATFORM
- tikit-lite — Kit for TI PLATFORM
- tikit-test — Kit for TI PLATFORM
- tinyscript — Devkit for quickly building CLI tools with Python
- tomoscan — "utilitary to access tomography data at esrf"
- totvserprm — API para webservices do TOTVS ERP RM