Reverse Dependencies of deprecated
The following projects have a declared dependency on deprecated:
- jageocoder — A Japanese-address geocoder for Python.
- jomiel-kore — Minimalistic foundation for creating new Python applications
- just-agents-core — Just Agents - Base Package
- jutily — no summary
- kanao — Kanao is a project designed to train a GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model on custom datasets. It provides the capability to train the model using various data sources, including PDFs, Word documents, plain text files, and URLs.
- karp-backend — no summary
- kats — kats: kit to analyze time series
- keble-db — Keble db
- keboola.component — General library for Python applications running in Keboola Connection environment
- keboola-streamlit — A Python library that simplifies Keboola SAPI integration in Streamlit apps.
- koapy — Kiwoom Open Api Plus Python
- kognic-io — Kognic IO Client
- konan-sdk — Python SDK for Konan's API
- kraken-build — no summary
- labelocr — Image OCR Annotation with Python
- lakehouse-engine — A configuration-driven Spark framework serving as the engine for several lakehouse algorithms and data flows.
- lamatic-airbyte-cdk — A framework for writing Airbyte Connectors.
- langchain-google-bigtable — LangChain integrations for Google Cloud Bigtable
- langwatch — Python SDK for LangWatch for monitoring your LLMs
- latch-sdk-telefonica — latch sdk-pyhton
- layernext — LayerNext Python SDK
- layernext-beta — LayerNext Python SDK
- lemur — Certificate management and orchestration service
- lf-tape — no summary
- lftools — Linux Foundation Release Engineering Tools
- liesel — A probabilistic programming framework with a focus on semi-parametric regression
- limits — Rate limiting utilities
- line-bot-sdk — LINE Messaging API SDK for Python
- linkml-runtime — Runtime environment for LinkML, the Linked open data modeling language
- linode-api4 — The official Python SDK for Linode API v4
- lisa-globalfit-framework — LISA GlobalFit Framework
- liualgotrader — a Pythonic all-batteries-included framework for effective algorithmic trading. The framework is intended to simplify development, testing, deployment and evaluating algo trading strategies.
- lkh — Super simple Python wrapper for LKH-3
- llama-index-collection — A streamlined collection of essential LlamaIndex packages for lightweight and efficient usage.
- llama-index-core — Interface between LLMs and your data
- llama-index-legacy — Interface between LLMs and your data
- llm-explorer — A Lakehouse LLM Explorer. Wrapper for spark, databricks and langchain processes
- llm-mocks — Mock LLMs' responses for unit-tests
- llmkira — A chain message bot based on OpenAI
- lmnr — Python SDK for Laminar
- longdata — longevity-databases - longdata to work with common databases
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- lsdb — Spatial analysis for extremely large astronomical databases using dask
- lsst-daf-butler — An abstraction layer for reading and writing astronomical data to datastores.
- lsst-daf-relation — An abstract system for operating on SQL and in-memory tables with relational algebra.
- lsst-rsp — Utility functions for the Rubin Science Platform
- lsst-utils — Utility functions from Rubin Observatory Data Management for the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).
- LTEP-Athena-API — The official LTEP Athena API: Welcome to the World's most flexible and extensible Data Science and Automation Platform
- ltspice — DESC
- lumicks.pylake — Bluelake data analysis tools
- lytekit — Flyte SDK for Python
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- malevich — no summary
- mangowg — A portfolio website generator
- mastercard-oauth1-signer — Mastercard OAuth1 Signer.
- matchms — Python library for large-scale comparisons and processing of tandem mass spectral data
- mattersim — MatterSim: A Deep Learning Atomistic Model Across Elements, Temperatures and Pressures.
- mbtest — Python wrapper & utils for the Mountebank over the wire test double tool.
- mcda — Package for Multi Criteria Decision Analysis
- mdml — Application of Deep learning on molecular dymanamics trajectories
- mediagrains — Simple utility for grain-based media
- mediatimestamp — A timestamp library for high precision nanosecond timestamps
- melnor-bluetooth — A small python library for discovery and interacting with Melnor, Eden, etc Bluetooth water timers.
- mendeleev — Pythonic periodic table of elements
- merge-segments — A tool for merging data onto a road network segmentation
- metricq — A highly-scalable, distributed metric data processing framework based on RabbitMQ
- mffpy — Reader and Writer for Philips' MFF file format.
- Microsoft-AI-Azure-Utility-Samples — Utility Samples for AI Solutions
- midea-local — Control your Midea M-Smart appliances via local area network
- mimir-ai — no summary
- miniirc-extras — WIP extensions for miniirc.
- miniworldmaker — Create 2D Miniworlds and Games
- minter-sdk — Python SDK for Minter Network
- mirdata — Common loaders for MIR datasets.
- misty2py-skills — A Python library of Misty II skills developed using Misty2py library
- Mits-AI-Dreamers — This is Hamming distance, Jaccard coefficient, overlap
- mktdata — no summary
- mlrun — Tracking and config of machine learning runs
- mml-core — This is the MML toolkit, targeting lifelong/continual/meta learning in Surgical Data Science.
- modal-streamlit-vmateo — Es una libreria editada de ventana modal para streamlit para mi caso personal
- model-vis — An easy and interactive graph visualization tool for ML models!!!
- module-typica — Standard Pydantic usages & utilities
- molang-chain — an LLM Orchestration Framework
- moncli — Moncli, a pythonic/DDD client for
- mondata — Mondata, a data-driven client for
- mongs-kfp — KubeFlow Pipelines SDK
- moz-crlite-query — Query CRLite for a certificate, or certificate information
- msticpy — MSTIC Security Tools
- multilevelformatter — logger.Formatter to simplify setting formatting for multiple logging levels
- muttlib — Collection of helper modules by Mutt Data.
- mwdstdb — MWD STD Basic data storage and automation backend
- my-uiautomator2 — Python Wrapper for Google Android UiAutomator2 test tool
- naivenmt-datasets — A dataset utils repository. For tensorflow 2.x only!
- nap-plot-tools — A NAPari PLOTter TOOLbar and tools for additional functionalities.
- napari-skimage-regionprops — A regionprops table widget plugin for napari
- nashpy — A library with algorithms on 2 player games.
- nb_log — very sharp color display,monkey patch bulitin print and high-performance multiprocess safe roating file handler,other handlers includeing dintalk ,email,kafka,elastic and so on
- ndasynapse — NDA to Synapse sync
- neet — Simulating and analyzing network models