Reverse Dependencies of dbt-core
The following projects have a declared dependency on dbt-core:
- airflow-dbt-python — A collection of Airflow operators, hooks, and utilities to execute dbt commands
- alvin-cli — Alvin CLI
- alvin-integration — Alvin lineage python library for integrations
- blackmesa-dbt — A packaged dbt project for use with Prefect
- bq-estimator — estimate BigQuery usage of sql queries
- collate-data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- cz-data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- dagster-cloud — no summary
- dagster-dbt — A Dagster integration for dbt
- dagster-odp — A configuration-driven framework for building Dagster pipelines
- data-diff — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- data-diff-customize — Command-line tool and Python library to efficiently diff rows across two different databases.
- datacontract-cli — The datacontract CLI is an open source command-line tool for working with Data Contracts. It uses data contract YAML files to lint the data contract, connect to data sources and execute schema and quality tests, detect breaking changes, and export to different formats. The tool is written in Python. It can be used as a standalone CLI tool, in a CI/CD pipeline, or directly as a Python library.
- datafold-sdk — The datafold SDK
- dbt — With dbt, data analysts and engineers can build analytics the way engineers build applications.
- dbt-af — Distibuted dbt runs on Apache Airflow
- dbt-airflow — A Python package that creates fine-grained Airflow tasks for dbt
- dbt-allure — dbt-allure: Elevate dbt testing with intuitive Allure reports, streamlining data validation and transformation projects.
- dbt-analyticdb — The analyticdb adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-athena — The athena adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-athena-adapter — The athena adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-athena-community — The athena adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-athena2 — Athena adapter for dbt platform
- dbt-azuresynapse — The azuresynapse adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-bigquery — The Bigquery adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-buddy — AI-based documentation for dbt-models
- dbt-bytehouse — The ByteHouse plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-clickhouse — The Clickhouse plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-clickhouse-stevenreitsma — The Clickhouse plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-cockroachdb — The cockroachdb adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-contracts — Enforce standards for your dbt projects through automated checks and generators
- dbt-conveyor-snowflake — The ConveyorSnowflake adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-coves — CLI tool for dbt users adopting analytics engineering best practices.
- dbt-cratedb — The crate adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-dameng — The dameng adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-databend — The Databend plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-databend-cloud — The Databend adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-databricks — The Databricks adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-dataops-starrocks — The starrocks adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-db2fori — dbt adapter for IBM db2 for i
- dbt-decodable — The Decodable adapter plugin for DBT
- dbt-devnull — The devnull adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-doris — The doris adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-doris-fp — The doris adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-dremio — The Dremio adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-duckdb — The duckdb adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-ensure-tag — checks dbt models for tags
- dbt-exasol — Adapter to dbt-core for warehouse Exasol
- dbt-extrica — The extrica adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-fabric — A Microsoft Fabric Synapse Data Warehouse adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-fabricspark — The Apache Spark adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-fal — Run python scripts from any dbt project.
- dbt-feature-flags — Use feature flags in dbt models
- dbt-firebolt — The Firebolt adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-fivetran — dbt (data build tool) adapter for Fivetran Datalake
- dbt-flink — The Flink adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-flink-adapter — The Flink adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-gaussdbdws — The set of adapter protocols and base functionality that supports integration with dbt-core
- dbt-hive — The Hive adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-ibis — no summary
- dbt-ibmdb2 — The db2 adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-impala — Impala adapter for DBT
- dbt-infer — The Infer adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-ing — dbt Ingestion Framework
- dbt-iomete — The Apache Spark (IOMETE) adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-ipy — IPython magic to use dbt
- dbt-iris — The InterSystems IRIS adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-layer — The Layer adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-layer-bigquery — The Layer / BigQuery adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-loom — A dbt-core plugin to import public nodes in multi-project deployments.
- dbt-maxcompute — The MaxCompute adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-meshify — a package to upgrade dbt packages to the dbt mesh framework
- dbt-metric-utils — Utilities for dbt metrics.
- dbt-metricflow — Execute commands against the MetricFlow semantic layer with dbt.
- dbt-metrics-converter — Easily convert an out of date dbt metrics spec into the latest suported metrics spec in dbt
- dbt-mindsdb — The dbt adapter plugin for connecting to MindsDB
- dbt-mysql — The MySQL adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-mysql-adapter — The MySQL adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-native-artifacts-parser — An artifact parser for dbt using dbt-core's built-in classes
- dbt-ocean-spark — The Apache Spark adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-odps-winwin — The ODPS (MaxCompute) adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-opengauss — The opengauss adapter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-oracle — dbt (data build tool) adapter for Oracle Autonomous Database
- dbt-osmosis — A dbt server and suite of optional developer tools to make developing with dbt delightful.
- dbt-postgres — The set of adapter protocols and base functionality that supports integration with dbt-core
- dbt-postgres-python — Run python scripts from any dbt project. This project is based on the project initially authored by FAL.AI.
- dbt-presto — The presto adpter plugin for dbt (data build tool)
- dbt-profiles — no summary
- dbt-prql — Write PRQL in dbt models
- dbt-pyspark — The Apache PySpark adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-quicksight-lineage — no summary
- dbt-redshift — The Redshift adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-risingwave — The RisingWave adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-rockset — The Rockset adapter plugin for dbt
- dbt-rpc — A JSON RPC server that provides an interface to programmically interact with dbt projects.
- dbt-run-api — A small package
- dbt-scandal — DBT adapter for scandal
- dbt-schema-builder — Automate management of PII redacted schemas for dbt projects.
- dbt-selectdb — The selectdb adapter plugin for dbt, Original code fork from Apache Doris
- dbt-singlestore — The singlestore adapter plugin for dbt