Reverse Dependencies of dbrownell-DevTools
The following projects have a declared dependency on dbrownell-DevTools:
- AlpineHtmxWebViewTest — Test repo for a solution that uses Alpine.js, HTMX, and pywebview.
- AutoGitSemVer — Generate a semantic version based on commits made to a git repository.
- copier-ProjectScaffolding-Sample-PythonPackage — Sample of the copier-ProjectScaffolding "Python Package" project type.
- dbrownell-Common — Common python functionality used across a number of different packages.
- dbrownell-devtools-test2 — This is a test
- FileBackup — Tool for creating and restoring file system backups.
- MemoryFrames — TODO
- pyprjbtstrptst — python proj btstrp test
- pyprjbtsttst1 — python project bootstrapper test
- pyprjbtsttsting — Python proj btstrp test
- pyprojbtstrptest2 — py proj boot test
- PyProjTestBootstrp1 — proj bootstrap testing
- PythonProjectBootstrapper — Tool that helps in the creation of python projects.
- PythonProjectBootstrapperTest20240403 — This is a test of the Python Project Bootstrapper.
- RepoAuditor — Audits repositories for best practices.
- SimpleSchemaGenerator — Tool that generates code based on a defined schema.
- TheLanguage1 — Initial implementation of "TheLanguage".