Reverse Dependencies of db-dtypes
The following projects have a declared dependency on db-dtypes:
- acryl-datahub — A CLI to work with DataHub metadata
- afl-ai-utils — A sample test package
- anai-opensource — Automated ML
- bigflow — BigQuery client wrapper with clean API
- bigquery-duckdb-toolkit — Toolkit para consultas e manipulação de dados no BigQuery com integração com DuckDB.
- bigquery-magics — Google BigQuery magics for Jupyter and IPython
- bl-vanna — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- bqemulatormanager — bqemulatormanager is a wrapper of bigquery-emulator which provides us BigQuery mock working in local machine.
- bruneus — bruneus: BigQuery helper utils.
- clickzetta-sqlalchemy — clickzetta python sqlalchemy
- cocoon-data — Cocoon is an open-source project that aims to free analysts from tedious data transformations with LLM.
- crunch-kernel — Kernel connecting functions
- crunchkernelpackage — Kernel connecting functions
- dagster-gcp — Package for GCP-specific Dagster framework op and resource components.
- data-algebra — data_algebra is a data manipulation language that can both generate SQL queries and work on Pandas DataFrames.
- data-science-common-core — Data Science Common Core
- data-science-document-ai — "Document AI repo for data science"
- dbt-coves — CLI tool for dbt users adopting analytics engineering best practices.
- dlt — dlt is an open-source python-first scalable data loading library that does not require any backend to run.
- elvia-datascience-forecasting — elvia-datascience-forecasting Python package
- ensuro-analytics — Ensuro analytics library
- epidemic-intelligence — A data visualization package to explore large-scale spatio-temporal simulation data.
- FabricSync — Fabric BigQuery Data Sync Utility
- falgueras — Common code for Python projects involving GCP, Pandas, and Spark.
- fhiry — FHIR to pandas.dataframe for AI and ML
- fugue-warehouses — Fugue data warehouses integration
- gaohn-common-utils — A small utility package
- gbq-connector — A wrapper for common Google Biq Query Operations
- gcloud-connectors — Python utilities to simplify connection with Google APIs
- gcp-python-client-functions — One package that will handle the installation and client generation for the most used GCP Python Client Libraries + methods that avoid repetitive processes.
- gcpts — no summary
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- ggvlib — no summary
- gigachain-google-community — An integration package connecting miscellaneous Google's products and LangChain
- google-cloud-bigquery — Google BigQuery API client library
- GoogleCloudPlatformAPI — no summary
- ibis-bigquery — Ibis BigQuery backend
- ibis-framework — The portable Python dataframe library
- joes-giant-toolbox — A large collection of general python functions and classes that I use in my daily work
- katonic — A modern, enterprise-ready MLOps Python SDK
- kynegos-easy-cloud — Automatización de procesos de Data para Kynegos
- langchain-google-community — An integration package connecting miscellaneous Google's products and LangChain
- lea-cli — A minimalist alternative to dbt
- leap-data-management-utils — LEAP / pangeo-forge-recipes extension library for logging data in Google Big Query
- lib310 — lib310 Python Package
- lib310-lite — lib310 Lite Python Package
- liveramp-automation — This is the base liveramp_automation_framework
- logos-sdk — SDK for Logos platform
- lolpop — A software engineering framework for machine learning workflows
- lv-vectordb-gcp — A package for GCP, LangChain, and BigQuery Vector store integration
- mozdetect — A python package used for change point detection at Mozilla.
- mozilla-jetstream — Runs a thing that analyzes experiments
- neptyne-kernel — The Neptyne kernel
- pandas-gbq — Google BigQuery connector for pandas
- pandas-pyarrow — A library for switching pandas backend to pyarrow
- pganalytics — A Python library for analyzing PG data
- pipelinesds — Solution for DS Team
- pittgoogle-client — Client utilities for the Pitt-Google astronomical alert broker.
- prism-dev — The easiest way to create data pipelines in Python.
- prism-ds — The easiest way to create data pipelines in Python.
- profiles-mlcorelib — no summary
- pycontrails — Python library for modeling aviation climate impacts
- pydatafabric — SHINSEGAE DataFabric Python Package
- pyfbad — anomaly detector
- pyinsta-functions — no summary
- pyrasgo — Python interface to the Rasgo API.
- pyText2Sql — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- quacker — Sync dbt sources and models from cloud warehouses to duckdb
- quollio-core — Quollio Core
- rasgoql — Alpha version of rasgoQL open-source package.
- raster-loader — Python library for loading GIS raster data to standard cloud-based data warehouses that don't natively support raster data.
- roadtrip-tools — Generally useful tools built for AI-enabled EV navigation
- schemarrow — A library for switching pandas backend to pyarrow
- serra — Simplified Data Pipelines
- shaku-database — Shaku Database util
- shaku-database-latest — Shaku Database util
- shipyard-bigquery — A local client for connecting to and working with Google BigQuery
- social-signals — A package for harvesting social signal feeds.
- sql-test-kit — Framework for testing SQL queries
- sroka — Package for access GA, GAM, MOAT, Qubole, Athena, S3, Rubicon APIs, BigQuery, MySQL
- stuser — User registration, login and associated ecosystem for Streamlit
- tdsql — Minimum test flamework for sql
- text2sql-metadata-filterer — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- turntable-spoonbill — Productivity-centric Python Big Data Framework
- utilsds — Solution for DS Team
- vanna — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- vanna-scalegen — Generate SQL queries from natural language
- vectice — Vectice Python library
- wj-google — no summary