Reverse Dependencies of datasette
The following projects have a declared dependency on datasette:
- aws-session-recorder — AWS session that records discovered resources to a database
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- chasten — Chasten checks the AST of a Python program!
- datasette-acl — Advanced permission management for Datasette
- datasette-allow-permissions-debug — Always allow access to /-/permissions, for debugging
- datasette-annotate — Datasette plugin for annotating / labelling your training data.
- datasette-app-support — Part of
- datasette-atom — Datasette plugin that adds a .atom output format
- datasette-auth-cookie-api — Datasette plugin that authenticates users by passing their cookies to an API
- datasette-auth-existing-cookies — Datasette plugin that authenticates users based on existing domain cookies
- datasette-auth-github — Datasette plugin and ASGI middleware that authenticates users against GitHub
- datasette-auth-osm — Datasette plugin that authenticates users against Openstreetmap
- datasette-auth-passwords — Datasette plugin for authenticating access using passwords
- datasette-auth-tokens — Datasette plugin for authenticating access using API tokens
- datasette-auth0 — Datasette plugin that authenticates users using Auth0
- datasette-backup — Plugin adding backup options to Datasette
- datasette-block — Block all access to specific path prefixes
- datasette-block-robots — Datasette plugin that blocks all robots using robots.txt
- datasette-bplist — Datasette plugin for working with Apple's binary plist format
- datasette-build — Build a directory full of files into a SQLite database
- datasette-chartjs — Chart.js integration for datasette
- datasette-chatgpt-plugin — A Datasette plugin that turns a Datasette instance into a ChatGPT plugin
- datasette-checkbox — Add interactive checkboxes to columns in Datasette
- datasette-chronicle — Use sqlite-chronicle with tables in Datasette
- datasette-cldf — datasette plugin to explore CLDF datasets
- datasette-cluster-map — Datasette plugin that shows a map for any data with latitude/longitude columns
- datasette-codespaces — Conveniences for running Datasette on GitHub Codespaces
- datasette-column-inspect — Experimental Datasette plugin for inspecting columns
- datasette-column-sum — Sum the values in numeric Datasette columns
- datasette-comments — A Datasette plugin for commenting on tables, rows, and values
- datasette-configure-asgi — Datasette plugin for configuring arbitrary ASGI middleware
- datasette-configure-fts — Datasette plugin for enabling full-text search against selected table columns
- datasette-connectors — Datasette support to other database types
- datasette-cookies-for-magic-parameters — UI for setting cookies to populate magic parameters
- datasette-copy-to-memory — Copy database files into an in-memory database on startup
- datasette-copyable — Datasette plugin for outputting tables in formats suitable for copy and paste
- datasette-cors — Datasette plugin for configuring CORS headers
- datasette-create-view — Create a SQL view from a query
- datasette-css-properties — Experimental Datasette output plugin using CSS properties
- datasette-current-actor — Adds a current_actor() function to SQLite that show's the current actor's ID.
- datasette-dashboards — Datasette plugin providing data dashboards from metadata
- datasette-datatable — Export Datasette records as a DataTable
- datasette-dateutil — dateutil functions for Datasette
- datasette-debug-actors-from-ids — Datasette plugin for trying out the actors_from_ids hook
- datasette-debug-asgi — Datasette plugin for dumping out the ASGI scope
- datasette-debug-events — Print Datasette events to standard error
- datasette-debug-permissions — A Datasette plugin that outputs debug information about permission checks
- datasette-dns — Custom SQL function for making DNS lookups
- datasette-doublemetaphone — Datasette plugin adding SQL functions for Double Metaphone fuzzy text matching
- datasette-edit-schema — Datasette plugin for modifying table schemas
- datasette-edit-tables — Datasette plugin for renaming and deleting tables and columns and changing column types
- datasette-edit-templates — Plugin allowing Datasette templates to be edited within Datasette
- datasette-embeddings — Store and query embedding vectors in Datasette tables
- datasette-enrichments — Tools for running enrichments against data stored in Datasette
- datasette-enrichments-gmap-geocode — Geocoding enrichment using Google Maps API
- datasette-enrichments-llm — Enrich data by prompting LLMs
- datasette-enrichments-opencage — Geocoding enrichment using OpenCage
- datasette-enrichments-quickjs — Enrich data with a custom JavaScript function
- datasette-enrichments-re2 — Enrich data using regular expressions
- datasette-enrichments-shell — Enrich data using datasette and arbitrary commands on your local machine
- datasette-enrichments-slow — An enrichment on a slow loop to help debug progress bars
- datasette-ephemeral-tables — Provide tables that expire after a time limit
- datasette-ersatz-table-valued-functions — Enable a limited form of table-valued functions.
- datasette-events-db — Log Datasette events to a database table
- datasette-events-forward — Forward Datasette events to another instance
- datasette-examples — Load example SQL scripts into Datasette on startup
- datasette-explain — Explain SQL queries executed using Datasette
- datasette-export — Export pages from Datasette to files on disk
- datasette-export-database — Export a copy of a SQLite database on demand
- datasette-export-notebook — Datasette plugin providing instructions for exporting data to Jupyter or Observable
- datasette-expose-env — Datasette plugin to expose selected environment variables at /-/env for debugging
- datasette-external-links-new-tabs — Datasette plugin to open external links in new tabs
- datasette-extract — Import unstructured data (text and images) into structured tables
- datasette-faiss — Maintain a FAISS index for specified Datasette tables
- datasette-geojson — Add GeoJSON as an output option
- datasette-geojson-map — Render a map for any query with a geometry column
- datasette-gfm — Export Datasette records as GitHub flavoured markdown
- datasette-gis-partial-path — Datasette plugin that adds a custom SQL function that returns the coordinates of a fractional portion of a path between two points
- datasette-glitch — Utilities to help run Datasette on Glitch
- datasette-granian — Run Datasette using the Granian HTTP server
- datasette-graphql — Datasette plugin providing an automatic GraphQL API for your SQLite databases
- datasette-gunicorn — Run a Datasette server using Gunicorn
- datasette-gzip — Add gzip compression to Datasette
- datasette-hashed-urls — Optimize Datasette performance behind a caching proxy
- datasette-haversine — Datasette plugin that adds a custom SQL function for haversine distances
- datasette-haversine-point-path — Datasette plugin that adds a custom SQL function for shortest haversine distances between a point and a path
- datasette-hello-world — The hello world of Datasette plugins
- datasette-homepage-table — Show a specific Datasette table on the homepage
- datasette-hovercards — Add preview hovercards to links in Datasette
- datasette-ics — Datasette plugin for outputting iCalendar files
- datasette-import — Tools for importing data into Datasette
- datasette-import-table — Datasette plugin for importing tables from other Datasette instances
- datasette-indieauth — Datasette authentication using IndieAuth and RelMeAuth
- datasette-init — Ensure specific tables and views exist on startup
- datasette-insert — Datasette plugin for inserting and updating data
- datasette-insert-api — Datasette plugin providing an API for inserting and updating data
- datasette-insert-unsafe — Unsafe permissions for datasette-insert - allows all actions without authentication
- datasette-jellyfish — Datasette plugin adding SQL functions for fuzzy text matching powered by Jellyfish
- datasette-jq — Datasette plugin that adds custom SQL functions for executing jq expressions against JSON values
- datasette-json-html — Datasette plugin for rendering HTML based on JSON values