Reverse Dependencies of datajoint
The following projects have a declared dependency on datajoint:
- antelop — Antelope is a data management and processing tool for systems neuroscientists
- compenv — Track information about the execution environment of computations
- datajoint-babel — Generate schema code from model definitions for both Python and MATLAB
- datajoint-connection-hub — Official DataJoint Python plugin for connection to DJNeuro's hosted instances.
- datajoint-link — A tool for linking two DataJoint tables located on different database servers
- datajoint-plus — A DataJoint extension that integrates hashes and other features.
- element-animal — DataJoint Element for Animal Management
- element-array-ephys — DataJoint Element for Extracellular Array Electrophysiology
- element-calcium-imaging — Calcium Imaging DataJoint Element
- element-deeplabcut — DataJoint Element for Continuous Behavior Tracking via DeepLabCut
- element-electrode-localization — Electrode localization DataJoint element
- element-event — DataJoint Elements for Trialized Experiments
- element-facemap — Facemap DataJoint element
- element-lab — DataJoint Elements for Lab Management
- element-miniscope — Miniscope DataJoint Element
- element-optogenetics — DataJoint Element for Optogenetics
- element-session — DataJoint Element for Session Management
- element-zstack — DataJoint Element for Volume Segmentation
- EthoPy — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- ibl-pipeline — Datajoint schemas for IBL
- ibl-pipeline-light — Light version of ibl pipeline to access data in IBL database
- minnie-config — Datajoint configurations for the microns_minnie65_* phase 3 schemas.
- neuro-mei — A framework used to generate most exciting images (MEIs)
- nma-ibl — Toolkits to access data in IBL public database
- np-datajoint — Tools for spike-sorting Mindscope neuropixels ecephys sessions on DataJoint, retrieving results and comparing with locally-sorted equivalents.
- pharus — A generic REST API server backend for DataJoint pipelines.
- pyrfume — A validation library for human olfactory psychophysics research.
- spyglass-neuro — Neuroscience data analysis framework for reproducible research
- testcore — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.