Reverse Dependencies of dataframe-image
The following projects have a declared dependency on dataframe-image:
- AioSpider-zly — 高并发异步爬虫框架
- ca-alerts-client — no summary
- chartpy — chartpy creates a simple easy to use API to plot in a number of great Python chart libraries
- daisybell — A scanner that will scan your AI models for problems. Currently it focuses on bias testing. It is currently alpha.
- dataset-tools — Dataset tools for dataset ninja made by Supervisely team.
- ds-utility — Utility functions for Data Science related works.
- EAB-tools — Tools for analyzing data exported from the EAB Navigate Student Success Management Software.
- educhain — A Python package for generating educational content using Generative AI
- edupsyadmin — edupsyadmin provides tools to help school psychologists with their documentation
- EM-data-analysis — A Python package for EM data analysis
- financiallib — Financial-Lib: A Library for Financial Data Analysis and Pre-Processing.
- fps-channels — no summary
- geowatch — no summary
- MeUtils — description
- MiWork — description
- nba-analytics — A package for collecting and analyzing NBA player data.
- pandas-plots — A collection of helper for table handling and visualization
- pvshadesim — A physical and electrical shade model using Shapely and PVMismatch.
- RandoMorph — A simple Python library for generating random data of various types, including strings, names, addresses, numbers, and more.
- rate-table-images — Get the Rate Table Images
- rengine-workouts — Tools to generate workouts
- SciPipe — A data science and machine learning library that wraps and extends popular tools
- soiz — soiz is awesome 🤘
- vlinder — Package for responsible business decision making
- vuegen — VueGen automates the creation of reports from bioinformatics outputs, supporting formats like PDF, HTML, DOCX, ODT, PPTX, Reveal.js, Jupyter notebooks, and Streamlit web applications. Users simply provide a directory with output files and VueGen compiles them into a structured report.