Reverse Dependencies of datadog
The following projects have a declared dependency on datadog:
- adapta — Logging, data connectors, monitoring, secret handling and general lifehacks to make data people lives easier.
- aiohttp-datadog — An aiohttp middleware for reporting metrics to Datadog
- airflow-metrics — Airflow plugin for automatically sending metrics from Airflow to Datadog
- alo7-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- anomalous — Server anomaly detection.
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-backport-providers-datadog — Backport provider package apache-airflow-backport-providers-datadog for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-providers-datadog — Provider package apache-airflow-providers-datadog for Apache Airflow
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- api-to-dataframe — A package to convert API responses to pandas dataframe
- asyncio-connection-pool — A high-throughput, optionally-burstable pool free of explicit locking
- atl-observe — A decorator to unify logging, metrics and notifications.
- audit-middleware — Audit Middleware for OpenStack
- awair-command-line — Awair command line. Displays data from all Awair devices on your network. Also shows corresponding Purple Air AQI
- — Backend.AI Statistics Monitoring Plugin with Datadog
- c7n_mailer — Cloud Custodian - Reference Mailer
- cacheless-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- cassandra-medusa — Apache Cassandra backup and restore tool
- cfn-datadog — Lambda cloudformation custom resource that sets up datadog alerts
- chalkpy — Python SDK for Chalk
- chattr-config — no summary
- connectivity-check — Network and Website Connectivity Checks with DataDog metrics reporting
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- dagster-datadog — Package for datadog Dagster framework components.
- dashjson — A tool for exporting (or importing) Datadog dashboards to (or from) json
- datadog-deployer — Deployment of datadog monitors.
- datadog-export — CLI and Lambda for exporting datadog metrics
- datadog-exporter — CLI for exporting datadog metrics
- datadog-lambda — The Datadog AWS Lambda Library
- datadog-logger — Python logging handler for DataDog events
- datadog-muted-alert-checker — no summary
- ddmetrics — DataDog Metrics Collector decorator(s)
- django-datadog-compatibility — A simple DataDog Integration for Django
- django-statsd-prom-exporter — A collection of django middleware to track django + WSGI service metrics accurately via prom/statsd-exporter sidecar + prometheus
- dmacheck — no summary
- ecs-container-exporter — Prometheus exporter for AWS ECS Task and Container Metrics
- edu-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- envoy-extproc-sdk — A python SDK for envoy External Processors
- faf — Fire & Forget HTTP Requests
- faust — Python Stream processing.
- faust-streaming — Python Stream Processing. A Faust fork
- Flask-StatsDClient — A simple, configurable statsd client for Flask apps with optional Datadog support. It also provides optional support for Dogstatsd with the [Datadog] optional install.
- fracx — FracX is a library that can be used to interface with PDS Energy's FracX platform for exchanging frac schedules.
- gradient-statsd — Wrapper around the DogStatsd client
- grokcli — Grok Command Line Interface
- hedra — Performance testing at scale.
- hyperscale — Performance testing at scale.
- infra-buddy-too — CLI for deploying micro-services
- isitfit — Command-line tool to calculate excess AWS cloud resource capacity
- ivan-datadog-lambda — The Datadog AWS Lambda Library
- LI-AWS-Deploy — Dev tools for Loja Integrada Web Applications
- liveramp-automation — This is the base liveramp_automation_framework
- magen-key-service — Magen Key Service Package
- magen-utils — Magen Utils API Package
- markus — Metrics system for generating statistics about your app
- microcosm-metrics — Opinionated metrics configuration
- microengine-utils — Library for Polyswarm Microengine Utility Package
- mindhive — Mindhive standard packages
- nttai-faust-streaming — Python Stream processing.
- nubium-faust — Python Stream processing.
- odc-apps-dc-tools — CLI utils for working with a datacube index
- opal-common — OPAL is an administration layer for Open Policy Agent (OPA), detecting changes to both policy and data and pushing live updates to your agents. opal-common contains common code used by both opal-client and opal-server.
- pano-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- powerfulseal — PowerfulSeal - a powerful testing tool for Kubernetes clusters
- pydbt — Python dbt executor with customizable logging and alerting
- python-panopticon — A collection of healthcheck and monitoring helpers.
- satori-serpentarium — Satori composer for Python
- simple-api-framework — Simple async API framework
- skytek-utils — skytek-utils - a set of small util functions
- slo-generator — SLO Generator
- snyk-metrics — Python library to interact transparently with Prometheus, Pushgateway and Dogstatsd.
- sorna-agent — Sorna agent
- sorna-common — Sorna common libraries
- sorna-manager — Sorna Manager
- sovereign — Envoy Proxy control-plane written in Python
- spellbot — The Discord bot for SpellTable
- spoor — Track functions invocations
- statsdecor — A set of decorators and helper methods for adding statsd metrics to applications.
- strapp — no summary
- Tilty — A pluggable system to receive and transmit bluetooth events from the Tilt Hydrometer
- tracarbon — Tracarbon is a Python library that tracks your device's energy consumption and calculates your carbon emissions.
- tracker-exporter — Yandex.Tracker issue metrics exporter
- twm-faust — Python Stream processing.
- unskript-cloudnative-data — Opensource unSkript Python Package repository
- ustack-logging — Default logging configuration for uStack style Python applications.
- walnats — Nats-based event-driven background jobs and microservices framework.
- zd.testt — no summary
- zdpy — no summary