Reverse Dependencies of datacompy
The following projects have a declared dependency on datacompy:
- aitestflow — aitestflow is a Python package used for creating automated test scripts for all types of applications.
- batframes — 可以配置将多个可执行文件和内部命令串接成一个完整命令执行的框架工具。(命令支持 多个option选项)
- datacompy — Dataframe comparison in Python
- datacompy-report — Create reports allowing for comparing two DataFrames.
- DFTrans — 用于批量处理excel、sql数据库表、jsonl、csv等数据源的文件,并输出到数据库表或这excel文件
- enhanceezqq — 用于对ezqq模块增强功能,能够获取历史数据保存到数据库,并从数据库读取历史数据
- pysparker — Some utility functions for PySpark.
- ragas — no summary
- tab2neo — Clinical Linked Data: High-level Python classes to load, model and reshape tabular data imported into Neo4j database
- tabularcompare — Tabular data comparison wrapper for DataComPy
- WeTest — Toolkit For Automated Testing