Reverse Dependencies of dataclassy
The following projects have a declared dependency on dataclassy:
- canvascli — A CLI to reformat and review Canvas grades
- dataclass-compat — Utilities for providing compatibility with many dataclass-like libraries
- eip712 — eip712: Message classes for typed structured data hashing and signing in Ethereum
- eth-brownie — A Python framework for Ethereum smart contract deployment, testing and interaction.
- fieldz — Utilities for providing compatibility with many dataclass-like libraries
- fl-flint — A parser for Freelancer and its formats
- Montreal-Forced-Aligner — Montreal Forced Aligner is a package for aligning speech corpora using Kaldi functionality.
- node-utils — node-utils: Utility classes and functions for working with generic abstract syntax tree (AST) nodes.
- nucypher — A threshold access control application to empower privacy in decentralized systems.
- pdfmap — Turning PDFs into WordMaps and WordMazes
- pillar — Building Blocks for Python Applications
- py_rodo — Helper library to process messages on
- wordmaze — Words and textboxes made amazing
- zepben.auth — Utilities for authenticating to the Evolve App Server and Energy Workbench Server
- zepben.cimbend — Python SDK for interacting with the Evolve platform
- zepben.edith — Python SDK extensions for the Edith project
- zepben.evolve.test-ci-central — Python SDK for interacting with the Evolve platform
- zepben.test-ci-central — Python SDK for interacting with the Evolve platform