Reverse Dependencies of dataclasses
The following projects have a declared dependency on dataclasses:
- tonalite — Simple creation of data classes from dictionaries.
- too-simple-server — Simple web server stub for testing purposes (with a lot of dependencies)
- topicmodels — A package for topic modelling in python.
- toponymy — A library for using large language models to name topics
- torch-flame — A deep learning utility library for PyTorch
- torchliter — A lightweight training tool for pytorch projects.
- torchslide — torchslide - prebuilt version for Python 3.6
- touchstone — IoC framework driven by annotations and type hints
- TPTBox — A Torso Processing Toolbox capable of processing BIDS-compatible datasets, singular niftys, points of interests, segmentations, and much more.
- travo — Management tools for gitlab-based assignment workflows
- treff7es-datahub-airflow-plugin — Datahub Airflow plugin to capture executions and send to Datahub
- trialtracker — Methods to extract and transform clinical trial data
- tribun — Add configuration revision for Consul
- trophy — A Python library for the Trophy API
- ts-eval — Time Series analysis and evaluation tools
- TSInterpret — todo
- tt4human — Truth table evaluator and Truth table enum module generator.
- ttyGotcha — SSH-TTY control Interface
- tunable-filter — Tunable image filter
- tunnelvision — Experimental tensor viewer for IPython built on top of Voxel
- tv-extract — Team Viewer - Data Extract for analysis
- twint-fork — An advanced Twitter scraping & OSINT tool.
- twiz — twiz - Your Twitter Account Data Analysis & Visualization Tool <3
- twodo-domain — The domain (entities) of the 2do app.
- twyla-chat-templates — A collection of Twyla chat message templates
- tycho-station — A simple registry for storing versioned packages and archives
- typecasts — Implicit type conversions for Python
- typed-cache — A framework for caching data locally. It features explicit caching with priority support for type hints.
- typedjson — JSON decoding for Python with type hinting (PEP 484)
- typeless-dataclasses — Use dataclasses without variable annotations.
- typhoon-orchestrator — Create asynchronous data pipelines and deploy to cloud or airflow
- typing-inspect-isle — a python template
- ucm — Urwid rendered Connection Manager
- ukb-api — UKB API
- ukbaccessrepo — UKB Access Repo
- ukosnik — Manage Discord Slash Commands
- und-route-optimization — servidor para optimizacion de rutas
- unitlib — 📐 Physical units for NumPy arrays ⏱ Fast • Simple • High voltage
- unix-cred — A library that simplifies reading peer credentials from Unix domain sockets
- upsourceapi — Upsource API
- urdf-modifiers — library to modify urdf
- urequest — Provides user-friendly HTTP client with clean objects.
- url-image-module — Image Module of REACT
- us-libraries — Libraries for us services
- useful-rdkit-utils — A collection of useful RDKit functions
- uurl — Package contains a set of interfaces to operate `uurl` application.
- uyaml — Provides user-friendly interface for YAML data stream serialization with OOP support.
- validit — Easily define and validate configuration file structures 📂🍒
- valohai-papi — Experimental imperative Valohai pipeline API
- varius — Perform calculation with various versions of variables
- varq-py — VarQ API wrapper for Python.
- vault-exodus — A community-driven tool for migrating HashiCorp Vault secrets between KV engines (v1/v2). Use at your own RISK
- vc2-pseudocode-parser — Parser and translator for the pseudocode language used in SMPTE ST 2042-1 (VC-2) standards documents.
- veinmind-common — veinmind_common with python
- venvipy — A GUI for managing Python virtual environments.
- versifier — Versifier: A lyrical tool to transform Python requirements into Poetry configurations, effortlessly and elegantly.
- videoprof — Video Profiler - profile various attributes of local videos like resolution, codec, container, audio channels, and more!
- vidify — Watch music videos in real-time for the songs playing on your device
- visual-regression-tracker — Open source, self hosted solution for visual testing and managing results of visual testing.
- voltcraft-dlp3306 — ('A python package to interact with Voltcraft DLP 3306 powersupply',)
- vrs — Python API for VRS
- vsot — VSOT - Django/jinja template formatter
- vuba — An easy to use library for constructing OpenCV HighGUI interfaces.
- wasabi2d — A convenient 2D OpenGL games framework
- watermill — Watermill data stream organizing framework.
- wc-utils — Utilities for whole-cell modeling
- weavingspace — A package for making tiled mapping layers
- web3-commom — web3 commom utils
- web3-common — web3 commom utils
- webcui — A web command user interface
- WebGrid — A library for rendering HTML tables and Excel files from SQLAlchemy models.
- wechaty-puppet-itchat — Itchat Puppet for Wechaty
- welltrajconvert — Well Trajectory Conversion
- welltrajconvert-bpamos — Well Trajectory Conversion
- westwallet-api — Official WestWallet Public API Python wrapper
- whenact — whenact decision pipeline
- wikipedia_tools — This is a Wikipedia Tool to fetch revisions based on a period of time.
- wily — A Python application for tracking, reporting on timing and complexity in tests and applications.
- winapps — Python library for managing installed applications on Windows
- wmsd — TOPSIS ranking and interpretation using WMSD-space
- wmul_rivendell — Various scripts to help use Rivendell Radio Automation 3.4.1+
- wpilib.kinematics — Backport of WPILib 2020 kinematics classes for RobotPy 2019
- x-man — HTTP proxy recording & replaying requests
- x2webrtc — Forward X window through WebRTC as a MediaStream
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- xmof — A Python library for industrial calculations with support for formula dependencies, caching, and automatic evaluation ordering.
- xotl.crdt — CRDTs for Python
- xpartition — Tool for writing large xarray datasets to zarr stores with independent processes
- xplane-airports — Tools for manipulating X-Plane's apt.dat files & interfacing with the X-Plane Scenery Gateway
- xpring — no summary
- xquery — A package to easily run queries at SQL Server and BigQuery.
- yaab — YAAB aims to provide a flexible base for Adapter Design Pattern implementations based on dataclasses.
- yajwt — Yet Another JWT wrapper for Python
- yandex2lightroom — Python Script to download images from Yandex.Images for the use in Adobe Lightroom.
- yangify — Library to help parsing/translating YANG models from/to native text/structures
- yapytf — Yet Another Python Terraform Wrapper
- yo — A fast and simple CLI client for managing OCI instances
- yocto-oebuild — no summary
- yoctobuild — no summary
- yunit — 📐 Physical units for NumPy arrays ⏱ Fast • Simple • High voltage