Reverse Dependencies of databind.json
The following projects have a declared dependency on databind.json:
- allennlp — An open-source NLP research library, built on PyTorch.
- baserow-client — Client for the API.
- cytonic — A Python framework to define REST APIs and automatically generate server side bindings and clients.
- databind.tagline — De/serialize strings of comma-separated key-value pairs using Python type hints.
- databind.yaml — De/serialize YAML payloads using Python type hints.
- docspec — Docspec is a JSON object specification for representing API documentation of programming languages.
- feedr.oauth2 — Simple OAuth2 client.
- helsing-scm — no summary
- nr.appfire — Appfire is a toolkit that provides utilities for quickly building configurable microservices.
- nr.poetry-release — A Poetry plugin to automate the release process of Python packages.
- nr.util — General purpose Python utility library.
- pydoc-markdown — Create Python API documentation in Markdown format.
- python-equilibrium — no summary
- shanaproject-api — Python API for
- shut — Automates the heavy lifting of release and distribution management for pure Python packages.
- terracomp-cli — no summary