Reverse Dependencies of darglint
The following projects have a declared dependency on darglint:
- actuator — Python interface for controlling various robotic actuators
- afkode — Personal voice command interface for iPhone on pythonista powered by Whisper and ChatGPT.
- agjax — A jax wrapper for autograd-differentiable functions.
- aiontai — Async wrapper for nhentai API
- ansible-navigator — A text-based user interface (TUI) for the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform
- ap-games — Games Tic-Tac-Toe and Reversi with CLI.
- ap-rss-reader — AP RSS-reader with CLI.
- ape-farcaster — ape-farcaster is a Python SDK for the Farcaster Protocol
- autoprognosis — A system for automating the design of predictive modeling pipelines tailored for clinical prognosis.
- azure_mlops_helper — Azure helper for e2e ml pipelines
- backpack-for-pytorch — BackPACK: Packing more into backprop
- BaSiCpy — A python package for background and shading correction of optical microscopy images
- catalyst-codestyle — Catalyst.Codestyle
- clairvoyance2 — clairvoyance2: a Unified Toolkit for Medical Time Series
- cleopatra — visualization package
- clothion — Reserved
- collection_views — Mutable and immutable views over standard collections with proper type annotations.
- ColorLogging — A simple utility package for Python logging with colors
- coursebox-testing — A course management system currently used at DTU (testing software)
- crytic-compile — Util to facilitate smart contracts compilation.
- curvlinops-for-pytorch — scipy Linear operators for curvature matrices in PyTorch
- datagnosis — A Data-Centric AI library for measuring hardness categorization.
- dattri — A library for data attribution tools and benchmarks.
- django-djcopyright — Django reusable app to show pretty formatted copyright years
- django-humans-txt — Handle humans.txt
- django-mcadmin — Easily run Django management commands from admin
- django-opensearch — Handle opensearch.xml
- django-owm — Weather from the Open Weather Map APIs
- django-po2xls — Convert gettext .po files to .xls
- django-project-version — Django reusable app to show your project version
- django-read-only-admin — Really full Django read only admin implementation
- django-security-txt — Handle security.txt
- django-xicon — Django reusable application to handle modern bunch of site icons
- django-xls2po — Convert django-po2xls generated .xls files to .po files
- doccano-client-duydv — A simple client wrapper for the doccano API.
- domify — HTML generator using pure Python
- dpshdl — Framework-agnostic library for loading data
- drytoml — Keep toml configuration centralized and personalizable
- einconv — Convolutions as tensor contractions (einsums) for PyTorch
- eurocropsml — EuroCropsML is a ready-to-use benchmark dataset for few-shot crop type classification using Sentinel-2 imagery.
- evalml — an AutoML library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines using domain-specific objective functions
- facilyst — Make data analysis and machine learning tools more easily accessible.
- fcs-ql-parser — "FCS-QL (CLARIN-FCS Core 2.0 Query Language) Grammar and Parser"
- fcs-simple-endpoint — "FCS SRU Simple Endpoint"
- fcs-sru-server — "FCS SRU Server"
- flake8-aggressive — Flake8 aggressive plugins pack
- flake8-dunder-class-obj — A flake8 plugin to report on double underscore class objects
- flake8-no-implicit-concat — Flake8 plugin that forbids implicit str/bytes literal concatenations
- flake8-no-implicit-str-concat-in-list — Flake8 plugin that forbids implicit str/bytes literal concatenations
- flake8-pyprojecttoml — Inject pyproject.toml support into flake8.
- fleksychallenge — Part 1 of the Fleksy NLP challenge
- fmmax — Fourier modal method with Jax
- freiner — Generic rate limiting solution for python applications, supporting various strategies and storage backends (redis and memcached).
- frequenz-sdk — A development kit to interact with the Frequenz development platform
- gibbs — Scale your ML workers asynchronously across processes and machines
- gifcm — Easy gif animation of matplotlib figures
- great-expectations-cta — Always know what to expect from your data.
- here-location-services — HERE Location Services for Python
- histdatacom — A Multi-threaded/Multi-Process command-line utility and python package that downloads currency exchange rates from Imports to InfluxDB. Can be used in Jupyter Notebooks.
- imageruler — Measure minimum sollid/void lengthscales in binary images.
- imitation — Implementation of modern reward and imitation learning algorithms.
- invrs-gym — A collection of inverse design challenges
- invrs-opt — Algorithms for inverse design
- invrs-utils — Miscellaneous utilities for the invrs-io ecosystem
- jeig — Various eigendecomposition implementations wrapped for jax.
- jori-autoprognosis — Test
- kdatagen — The kdatagen project
- kinfer — The kinfer project
- krecviz — Visualisation utilities for krec files
- kscale — The kscale project
- kscale-imu — Python interface for interacting with IMUs
- kscale-onshape-library — K-Scale's library for programmatically interacting with OnShape
- lambdaz — DSL for lambda definition
- mahon — Linear regression of data sets with correlated and uncorrelated uncertainties.
- matcouply — Regularized coupled matrix factorisation with AO-ADMM
- mewtax — Differentiable minimization in jax using Newton's method.
- minppo — The minppo project
- mlfab — A collection of core machine learning tools
- mlstacks — MLStacks MLStacks.
- mmWrt — minimal raytracing code example for MIMO FMCW radar
- multiconsumers-queue — Wrapper for queue based producer/consumers parallel tasks execution
- mydependency — Don't take my package name
- nagios-check-hddtemp — Check HDD temperature Nagios plugin
- nagios-check-supervisord — Check supervisord programs status Nagios plugin
- nagios-notification-jabber — Notifications via jabber Nagios plugin
- nested-diff — Recursive diff and patch for nested structures.
- nodeps — Python helpers and utilities with no dependencies
- nornir-scrapli — Scrapli's plugin for Nornir
- Notion2Pelican — Import notion pages in pelican blogging format
- nt2 — CLI to convert between NestedText and JSON, YAML or TOML, with explicit type casting.
- odmantic — ODMantic, an AsyncIO MongoDB Object Document Mapper for Python using type hints
- onefootball-network — no summary
- OpenFisca-Core — A versatile microsimulation free software
- openlch — The OpenLCH project command line interface
- passkeys — Corbado SDK
- pib-cli — Python Development CLI
- pre-commit-config-shellcheck — Tool for checking entry points in the pre-commit config with ShellCheck.
- private-hello — Don't take my package name
- procustodibus-agent — Synchronizes your WireGuard settings with Pro Custodibus.
- procustodibus-broker — Pushes events from Pro Custodibus into your security management systems.