Reverse Dependencies of daphne
The following projects have a declared dependency on daphne:
- abaci-users — A reusable Django users app
- adimis-graph-builder — Core utilities for the Adimis toolbox.
- asgi-runserver — no summary
- asgineer — A really thin ASGI web framework
- bomiot — One workspace for you to do you python app
- bulb-channels — For of the django-channels project to make it compatible with bulb.
- channels — Brings async, event-driven capabilities to Django.
- core-models — Liquify core package
- demessaging — python module wrapper for the data analytics software framework DASF
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-app-helper — Helper for django applications development
- django-bridger — The bridge between a Django Backend and a Javascript based Frontend
- django-chatapp — A flexible Chat Application for open source software society.
- django-chats — Async Chatter App Based on Webscokets
- django-fastapi-bridge — Build FastAPI app top of Django
- django-htmx-live-trigger — Realtime updates in Django using HTMX and websockets.
- django-zero — Zero-configuration django projects.
- endpoints — Get an api up and running quickly
- feature-toggle-manager — A small feature_toggle_manager app for django
- hazard-feed — storm warning rss parser
- interactions-restful — A library for allowing runtime API structures
- lactolyse — Django package for lactate threshold analyses
- medux-common — Common functionality for MedUX / MedUX Online
- online-shop — no summary
- openhub — An open source iOT controller.
- openhub-api — An open source GUI for the openhub iOT controller.
- openslides — Presentation and assembly system
- papermerge-core — Open source document management system for digital archives
- poe-api-wrapper — A simple, lightweight and efficient API wrapper for
- pyne-xmas-elves — The Great Elf Game adapted for Python North East - client & server
- pytigon-batteries — Pytigon library
- r-shepard — no summary
- rag — no summary
- resolwe — Open source enterprise dataflow engine in Django
- resolwe-bio — Bioinformatics pipelines for the Resolwe platform
- rest-framework-channels — Brings async, event-driven capabilities to Django.
- rjango-core — Utilities to enable minimal working Rjango style backends.
- simpledomcontrol — Simple DOM control -> a django MVC framework
- umap-project — Create maps with OpenStreetMap layers in a minute and embed them in your site.
- — The Batteries-Detachable Web Framework.
- websocket-executor — django websocket executor project.