Reverse Dependencies of daiquiri
The following projects have a declared dependency on daiquiri:
- ArgosSDK — A SDK to handle Henry Argos Fingerprint/Card readers
- Cipher-Bot — A multi-platform chat bot framework.
- conference-scheduler-cli — A command line tool to manage the schedule for a conference
- crontabs — Simple job scheduling for python
- dbnomics-data-model — Provide classes for DBnomics entities and a storage abstraction
- dbnomics-fetcher-ops — Manage DBnomics fetchers
- dbnomics-fetcher-toolbox — Toolbox of functions and data types helping writing DBnomics fetchers.
- dbnomics-pptx-tools — DBnomics PowerPoint (pptx) tools
- dbnomics-solr — Index DBnomics data with Apache Solr for full-text and faceted search
- desktopography — Desktopography command line
- docker-registry-purger — A simple docker registry cleaner
- emlvp — EMLvp (validator and parser)
- faculty-sync — Faculty Platform file synchronizer
- fenics-pulse — A python library based on FEniCS that aims to solve problems in continuum mechanics, in particular cardiac mechanics
- geo3dfeatures — Extract geometry features from 3D point clouds
- git-pull-request — Command line tool to send GitHub pull requests
- githubcap — Tool and library for interacting with GitHub API v3
- gnocchi — Metric as a Service
- goblinoid — Create a graph database schema and indexes from source code automatically
- heartcrm — A Python utility for generating reports from the HEART CRM.
- invectio — Statically analyze sources and extract information about called and exported library functions in Python applications
- json2sql — A lightweight Python3 library for describing SQL statements using JSON or dictionary.
- jupyter-nbutils — A collection of Jupyter notebook tools and utilities.
- jupyter-require — Jupyter nbextension for JavaScript execution and managing linked libraries and CSS stylesheets in Jupyter notebooks.
- kebechet — Keep your dependencies in your projects fresh and up2date
- kick — no summary
- libraria — A library for searching libraries for books
- metapype — Metapype: science metadata manipulation library
- mps-motion — Library for tracking motion in cardiac mps data
- Oncodrive3D — Oncodrive3D is a method designed to analyse patterns of somatic mutations across tumors to identify three-dimensional (3D) clusters of missense mutations and detect genes that are under positive selection.
- oncodriveclustl — OncodriveCLUSTL is a clustering method to identify cancer drivers
- pifpaf — Suite of tools and fixtures to manage daemons for testing
- pip-preserve — Output installed Python packages in requirements format, including also hashes of Python packages.
- pipctl — Control pip's resolution process
- proxmox-grapple — The grappling hook for Proxmox backups.
- PsyLab — PsyLab: Psychophysics Lab
- repobee — A CLI tool for managing large amounts of GitHub repositories
- repobee-junit4 — JUnit4 runner plugin for RepoBee
- repobee-plug — Core components for plugin system in repobee
- repomate — A CLI tool for managing large amounts of GitHub repositories
- repomate-junit4 — JUnit-4.12 plugin for repomate
- speedtest_logger — A package to log broadband speed test results
- subfix — Subtitle fixer
- thamos — A CLI tool and library for interacting with Thoth
- thoth-common — Shared code logic in the project Thoth.
- thoth-package-extract — Tool and library for extracting packages from a docker build log
- thoth-s2i — Tooling and a library for Thoth's Python Source-To-Image (s2i) applications
- transmogrify — Allows for the dynamic alteration of images using the URL.
- tsbrowse — Webapp to view and visualise tskit ARGs
- tsinfer — Infer tree sequences from genetic variation data.
- tsw — A python library to interact with Tournament Software
- utr — A python library to interact with UTR API
- virtualenv-cache — Manage a cache of Python environments
- wapor — Wapor algorithms
- yorkshire — Yorkshire is your friend who checks requirements files for a possible dependency confusion.