Reverse Dependencies of cython
The following projects have a declared dependency on cython:
- a2y-builda2y — no summary
- a2y-handy — A module that contains kinds of little functions and classes that are not easy to classify.
- aaclient — Tools to query Archiver Appliance and export data
- abqcy — Write Abaqus Subroutines in Python
- abracadabra — Making hypothesis and AB testing magically simple!
- abserdes — A Basic Serializer and Deserializer that makes XMLserialization and deserialization in Python absurdly easy.
- acalib — Advanced Computing for Astronomy Library
- Accuinsight — Model life cycle and monitoring library in Accuinsight+
- aces-apps — A collection of utilities developed out of the ACES working group to support the processing of ASKAP data.
- aclib.pyi — compile and pack python project to exe with pyd.
- acora — Fast multi-keyword search engine for text strings
- acsylla — A high performance asynchronous Cassandra and ScyllaDB client
- ACTIONet — ACTIONet single-cell analysis framework
- AdamLibrary — Improved library for Python to support C library extensions
- adasher — Dash with analytics utilities
- adaXT — A Python package for tree-based regression and classification
- adf — Create infrastructure agnostic data processing pipelines
- aeqtl — eQTL analysis using region-based aggregation of rare variants.
- aequilibrae — A package for transportation modeling
- aftercovid — Code, ideas about COVID epidemics
- agi-core — agi-core a framework for AGI
- ahoy — Agent-based simulations of active particles
- ahsoka — A pipeline for JWST near-IR transiting exoplanet data
- ai-parrot — Live Chatbots based on Langchain chatbots and Agents Integrated into Navigator Framework or used into any aiohttp applications.
- ai-python — Microsoft AI Python Package
- aiboot — CubeAI模型服务化引擎
- ailist — Python package for Augmented Interval List
- aiokcp — KCP for asyncio and socketserver, based on kcp
- aioradio — Generic asynchronous i/o python utilities for AWS services (SQS, S3, DynamoDB, Secrets Manager), Redis, MSSQL (pyodbc), JIRA and more
- aioredis-cluster — Redis Cluster support extension for aioredis
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- aj-abydos-mod — Fork of the Abydos NLP/IR library
- akin — Akin is a Python library for detecting near-duplicate texts using min-hashing and locality sensitive hashing.
- akriml — ML methods for exploration and curation of large, high-dimensional datasets.
- albatradis — Comparitive transposon mutagenesis experiment analysis
- alectiolite — Integrate customer side ML application with the Alectio Platform
- aleph — ALEPH is a bioinformatics tool for structure interpretation and generation of fragment-based library for Molecular Replacement.
- alertswrkpi — no summary
- algo-bus-sdk — YunChi Algo Bus SDK
- algopack — Implementation of various common CS algortihms in Cython
- Algorithm-Rayleigh — Rayleigh algorithm processing for lidar data
- AlignR — Simple Tool to track the alignments of your players
- aloha — Aloha - a versatile Python utility package for building services
- Alpha-Mind — no summary
- alphad3m — AlphaD3M: NYU's AutoML System
- alphadetector — object detection using yolo, tf2 and detectron2
- AlphaHousePython — AlphaGenes base library for important genetic data functions
- alphalens-cn — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphalens-reloaded — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphalens-tej — Performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors
- alphaplinkpython — AlphaGenes library for dealitng with plink
- am2eda — no summary
- amiga — Analysis of Microbial Growth Assays
- AMPAL — A framework for representing biomolecular structure.
- amulet-leveldb — A Cython wrapper for Mojang's custom LevelDB.
- amulet-nbt — Read and write Minecraft NBT and SNBT data.
- ana-cont — Analytic continuation package
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- anncolvar — Coding collective variables by artificial neural networks
- annlite — Fast and Light Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Library integrated with the Jina Ecosystem
- annotateonline — Annotate Online
- anonlink — Anonymous linkage using cryptographic hashes and bloom filters
- anovos — An Open Source tool for Feature Engineering in Machine Learning
- antco — Ant Colony Optimization framework
- anuga — A set of python modules for tsunami and flood modelling
- aphylogeo — A phylogenetic and geographic analysis tool
- apiera — Apiera framework, high performance
- apodo — A remarkably fast asynchronous web framework for Python.
- appsquared — Antigenic Prediction for Protein Sequences Pipeline
- aq-database — Project to hold all the database scripts
- arbitragelab — ArbitrageLab is a collection of algorithms from the best academic journals and graduate-level textbooks, which focuses on the branch of statistical arbitrage known as pairs trading. We have extended the implementations to include the latest methods that trade a portfolio of n-assets (mean-reverting portfolios).
- arbok — A wrapper toolbox that provides compatibility layers between TPOT and Auto-Sklearn and OpenML
- arcimboldo — a suite of programs for x-ray diffraction structure solution
- ares-ai — ARES is an advanced evaluation framework for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems,
- argos-toolkit — Software tools to facilitate tracking multiple objects (animals) in a video.
- argument-mining-framework — Argument Mining Framework (AMF) is a comprehensive toolkit designed to streamline and unify various argument mining modules into a single platform.
- arkit — description
- armadillin — Lineage prediction from SARS-CoV-2 sequences
- arrayhascher — Fast hash in 2D Arrays (Numpy/Pandas/lists/tuples)
- artap — Platform for robust design optimization
- artificial-artwork — Create artificial artwork by transfering the appearance of one image (eg a famous painting) to another user-supplied image (eg your favourite photograph).
- arv — A fast 23andMe raw genome file parser
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- asdf-cy — no summary
- asgi-tools — ASGI Toolkit to build web applications
- asone — no summary
- Aspidites — Aspidites is the reference implementation of the Woma Language
- assemblyline — Assemblyline (v4) automated malware analysis framework base package.
- assemblyline-v3-service — Assemblyline (v4) automated malware analysis framework - Service components.
- astro-gala — Galactic dynamics in Python
- astro-ghost-ysepz — Database of supernovae and the photometric and spectroscopic properties of their host galaxies
- astroscrappy — Speedy Cosmic Ray Annihilation Package in Python
- AstroVascPy — Simulating blood flow in vasculature
- async-channel — Python channel based communication library
- async-task-library — A fast Cython-based package
- asyncpg-dev — An asyncio PostgreSQL driver
- asyncpg-rkt — An asyncio PostgreSQL driver that returns numpy arrays
- asynctnt — A fast Tarantool Database connector for Python/asyncio.
- atacworks — NVIDIA genomics python libraries and utiliites
- atomman — Atomistic Manipulation Toolkit