Reverse Dependencies of cutadapt
The following projects have a declared dependency on cutadapt:
- anospp-analysis — ANOSPP data analysis
- apscale — Advanced Pipeline for Simple yet Comprehensive AnaLysEs of DNA metabarcoding data
- celescope — Single Cell Analysis Pipelines
- cutseq — Automatically cut adapter / barcode / UMI from NGS data
- dreem — DREEM solves RNA structure ensembles using chemical probing data
- DRUGseq-tools — Transcriptome Analysis Pipeline for DRUG-seq
- gbprocess-ngs — GBprocesS allows for the extraction of genomic inserts from NGS data for GBS experiments
- mbf-align — Alignment of high througput sequencing data
- mirge3 — Comprehensive analysis of small RNA sequencing Data
- nbitk — Naturalis BioInformatics ToolKit
- pixelgen-pixelator — A command-line tool and library to process and analyze sequencing data from Molecular Pixelation (MPX) assays.
- process-fastq — This package will help process, merge and link fastq in user specified directory from manifest file
- pyim — Tool for identifying transposon insertions from targeted DNA-sequencing data.
- pylagg — A CLI tool for creating images from DNA sequences
- RNAlysis — RNAlysis is an analysis software for RNA sequencing data. RNAlysis can help to filter, visualize, explore, analyze, and share your data.
- seqalign — Manage sequence alignments
- singlecellmultiomics — Tools to deal with one or more measurements from single cells
- smap-haplotype-window — Haplotype-window is a SMAP component that performs haplotyping between pairs of borders defined in a reference genome.
- thapbi-pict — THAPBI Phytophthora ITS1 Classifier Tool (PICT).
- WangLab — Simple bioinformatic tools
- XICRA — Small RNAseq pipeline for paired-end reads