Reverse Dependencies of customtkinter
The following projects have a declared dependency on customtkinter:
- ajpack — A simple module for windows which does some simple stuff. Don't make something illegal ;) Join our discord channel:
- amiya — A lightweight cross-platform automation tool for games and daily tasks!
- ara-api — Applied Robotics Avia API for ARA MINI, ARA EDU and ARA FPV drones
- Arbeitszeitrechner — Arbeitszeitrechner
- arithmetics-sdd — This program is designed to develop basic arithmetic skills
- arsls — A simple URL Shortener with GUI made using CustomTkinter.
- arspack — A Python Package Installer GUI powered by ArsTech.
- astrotrails — Tool to generate startrails images by stacking consecutive images of nightsky in jpeg format. Also, astrotrails can create a timelapse video.
- async-tkinter-loop — Asynchronous mainloop implementation for tkinter
- audio-file-translator — audio-file-translator. For Windows, macOS, and Linux, on Python 3
- autobuffssssss — no summary
- bdo-empire — Worker empire optimizer for BDO using HiGHS mip solver.
- br-ping-gui — A python library for viewing and recording a bluerobotics ping 2 sensor..
- bsg-ide — Beamer Slide Generator IDE
- cacao-accounting-desktop — Cacao Accounting Desktop App.
- candiy — GUI to monitor a CAN network and communicate with an ECU.
- Cellcyto — This algorithm is designed for cell segmentation post processing to find nucleus and cytoplasm, and evaluation of the segmentation algorithm based on ground truth images
- church-rec-manager — python application to manage your records of the church
- cinema-app — Une application pour choisir des réalisateurs de cinéma
- CLOVER-GUI — A graphical user interface for CLOVER
- CoverGPT — Generate a personalized and formatted cover letter for a given job position, using your resume to add personalized details. Utilizes ChatGPT.
- cryptical — A simple GUI password manager
- ctk-color-picker-alpha — An eight-digits hex code color picker, with alpha value.
- CTK-Desert — Design beautiful GUIs effortlessly — no coding required. (uses Customtkinter)
- ctk-toggle — A lightweight Python package for creating toggle buttons and groups using CustomTkinter.
- ctkaddons — A package that add uneccessary widgets to customtkinter
- CTKCalendar — A customized calendar to facilitate date selection in graphical interfaces.
- ctkchart — ctkchart is a Python library for creating live updating line charts in customtkinter.
- CTkColorPicker — A modern color picker for customtkinter
- ctkcomponents — no summary
- CTkDateEntry — A customized dateentry to facilitate date selection in graphical interfaces.
- ctkdlib — A special widget library for CTkDesigner
- ctkentrymsg — CTkEntry widget with message functionality
- CTkGradient — Create a gradient frame for customtkinter.
- CTkKeyboard — A virtual keyboard for CustomTkinter, making it easy to enter text on a Raspberry Pi with a touch display.
- CTkListbox — Customtkinter Listbox widget
- CTkMenuBar — Customtkinter Menu Widget
- CTkMessagebox — A modern messagebox for customtkinter
- CTkMVC — Base classes for easy using MVC pattern with CTk library
- CTkRatingStar — A customizable star rating widget for CustomTkinter applications.
- CTkSpinbox — A custom spinbox widget for customtkinter.
- CTkSuggestions — CTkSuggestions implements a suggestion dropdown for a customtkinter widget
- CTkTable — Customtkinter Table widget
- CureQ — Library for analyzing MEA files.
- CustomIntents — no summary
- CustomTkinter-ColorPicker — Simple color picker for customtkinter :)
- CustomtkinterCodeViewer — Display syntax highlighted code in customtkinter
- customtkinterx — extra widgets for customtkinter
- davext — base module for the DAVE debugger extension
- dem-roughness-calculator — A package for calculating surface roughness using GeoTIFF DEM files with a GUI and CLI
- deskframe — DeskFrame is a Python library that simplifies the process of creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using XML for layout design and Python for backend logic.
- desktop-groups — Organizes your desktop
- droid — Droid is a remote communication application created to communicate with Android devices on the local network over the Android debug bridge (adb). Available as a CLI or GUI.
- duit — Duit is a toolkit to create simple user-interfaces for python.
- durguestprofile — Dur Guest Data Accuracy Measurement Tool
- emailspoofergui — A graphical email spoofing tool
- EnglishAssistantForm — To help improve learning a language
- euler-database — A graph database application with embedding and similarity calculations.
- ezsam — Extract foreground from images or video via text prompt
- fastvid — A GUI tool for video processing (acceleration, GIF conversion, compression).
- felonfinder — Felon Finder facilitates face recognition through variational autoencoding and genetics-inspired algorithm.
- fetch-features — Fetch features from a list of accession or BioSample numbers.
- five-strips-of-bacon — Encode/Decode messages using five simultaneous bacon ciphers.
- FLIM-fit — This GUI performs fluorescence lifetime decay analysis at cellular level.
- flowmatic — no summary
- fuel-track — Lleva seguimiento del consumo de combustible
- g80sxm — Analyse and create figures for Nanonis SPM data
- geo-roughness-tool — A package for calculating surface roughness using GeoTIFF DEM files with a GUI and CLI
- github-push-gui — no summary
- habit-tracking-app — Habit tracking application
- hacktools — A set of utilities and tools for rom hacking and translations.
- hydroecolstm — A python package for HydroEcological Modelling using LSTM
- hyperSel — A Python-based web automation and data scraping framework
- ice-launcher — An unofficial WIP Minecraft Launcher
- image-to-arduino — Image converter to arduino
- image-to-arduino-od — Image_Converter_App
- JALE — Package allowing users to run Activation Likelihood Estimation Meta-Analysis
- JupyterExport — Convert .ipynb files to .pdf/.html using a simple graphical interface.
- krezy — A powerful cross-platform emotion detection library
- kspl — KConfig GUI for Software Product Lines with multiple variants.
- leads — Lightweight Embedded Assisted Driving System
- letterguesser — Cool letter guesser program
- library-gpt4all — Библиотека для запуска графического интерфейса с нейросетью GPT4All
- maptasker — Utility to display your entire Android 'Tasker' configuration on your Desktop.
- marcobre-diff — no summary
- MeMu — This is a user interface for running pyboy emulator. To use,
- metaDMG — metaDMG: Estimating ancient damage in (meta)genomic DNA rapidly
- mg-pso-gui — GUI for MG-PSO
- migrator-tool — A tool to migrate SQLite (.csdb) data to MySQL with a user-friendly GUI.
- monterey — monterey tools
- MoreCustomTkinterWidgets — A package containing more widgets for customtkinter
- ms2rescore — MS²Rescore: Sensitive PSM rescoring with predicted MS² peak intensities and retention times.
- msplotter — Make a graphical representation of a blastn alignment
- NetDiagnose — A network diagnostic assistant
- nodemon — A simple drag and drop application to help visualise various graph algorithms
- ocrhelper — Tool for translating text from the screen and some more
- ODLabel — A tool for object detection, labeling and visualization using PyTorch
- odlabel-onnx — A tool for object detection, labeling and visualization using ONNX
- OpenCC-GUI — A simple GUI for OpenCC
- OTAnalytics — OTAnalytics is a core module of the OpenTrafficCam framework to perform traffic analysis on trajectories of road users.