Reverse Dependencies of cupy-cuda12x
The following projects have a declared dependency on cupy-cuda12x:
- anndata — Annotated data.
- ArtNex — ArtNex is a deep learning framework exploring the innovative fusion of art and technology.
- aspire — Algorithms for Single Particle Reconstruction
- Auto4DSTEM — Incorporating Developed Cycle-Consistent-Spatial-Transforming Autoencoder for 4-D STEM analysis.
- bm3dornl — BM3D for streak artifact removal in neutron imaging
- campie — Python APIs to simulate various CAMs on GPUs at scale
- cellstitch-cuda — CUDA-accelerated CellStitch 3D labeling using Instanseg segmentation.
- cuda-histogram — Histogramming tools on CUDA.
- cuquantum-python-cu12 — NVIDIA cuQuantum Python
- cvdm — Code for Conditional Variational Diffusion Models
- dask-cudf-cu12 — Utilities for Dask and cuDF interactions
- dataset-format-benchmark — Image dataset format benchmark
- debiased-spatial-whittle — Spatial Debiased Whittle likelihood for fast inference of spatio-temporal covariance models from gridded data
- deepfusion — DeepFusion is a highly modular and customizable deep learning framework!
- devito — Finite Difference DSL for symbolic computation.
- fast-er-link — GPU-Accelerated Record Linkage and Deduplication in Python
- fat-llama — fat_llama is a Python package for upscaling audio files to FLAC or WAV formats using advanced audio processing techniques. It utilizes CUDA-accelerated calculations to enhance audio quality by upsampling and adding missing frequencies through FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), resulting in richer and more detailed audio.
- gbtoolbox — Tools for neural network generalization bounds
- gt4py — Python library for generating high-performance implementations of stencil kernels for weather and climate modeling from a domain-specific language (DSL)
- hisel — no summary
- klongpy — High-Performance Klong array language with rich Python integration.
- kvikio-cu12 — KvikIO - GPUDirect Storage
- logicqubit-gpu — logicqubit-gpu is a simple library for quantum computing simulation with gpu acceleration.
- milvus-dataset — Default template for PDM package
- minigrad-python — A minimal deep learning framework with automatic differentiation
- mri-nufft — MRI Non-Cartesian Fourier Operators with multiple computation backends.
- nettracer3d — Scripts for intializing and analyzing networks from segmentations of three dimensional images.
- neuroweave — A small machine learning library.
- nifty-ls — A fast Lomb-Scargle periodogram. It's nifty, and uses a NUFFT.
- npnn — NumPy Neural Network
- nvtripy — Tripy: A Python Programming Model For TensorRT
- pycudahll — A GPU implementation of HyperLogLog
- pylibde265 — python binding implementation of libde265, based on cython
- pyxu — Modular and scalable computational imaging in Python with support for GPU/out-of-core computing.
- qcpydev — qcpy is an open source python library and collaborative project for flexible simulations and visualizations of quantum circuits.
- qibojit — Simulation tools based on numba and cupy.
- quantune — This package is deprecated. Please use 'qumega'.
- qumega — Qumega is a powerful and versatile library for quantum computing, developed by NeoCosmicX.
- rapids-singlecell — running single cell analysis on Nvidia GPUs
- shamboflow — A fierce Tensorflow competitor
- SLAP2-UTILS — Code to support using a SLAP2 Microscope
- tacc-inf — Efficient LLM inference on Slurm clusters using vLLM (for TACC).
- tegridymidi — Tools for reading, writing, and manipulating MIDIs
- thinc — A refreshing functional take on deep learning, compatible with your favorite libraries
- vec-inf — Efficient LLM inference on Slurm clusters using vLLM.
- zarr — An implementation of chunked, compressed, N-dimensional arrays for Python