Reverse Dependencies of cuda-python
The following projects have a declared dependency on cuda-python:
- cuda-core — cuda.core: (experimental) pythonic CUDA module
- fast_gauss — A geometry-shader-based, global CUDA sorted high-performance 3D Gaussian Splatting rasterizer. Can achieve a 5-10x speedup in rendering compared to the vanialla diff-gaussian-rasterization.
- hidet — Hidet: a compilation-based DNN inference framework.
- InferX — deep learning deploy framework
- kvikio-cu12 — KvikIO - GPUDirect Storage
- metadrive-simulator — An open-ended driving simulator with infinite scenes
- minestudio — A simple and efficient Minecraft development kit.
- nvidia-cutlass — CUTLASS
- phlash — Bayesian inference of population size history from recombining sequence data.
- pyIcarus — Tools library for Security Research
- rmm-cu12 — rmm - RAPIDS Memory Manager
- sglang — SGLang is yet another fast serving framework for large language models and vision language models.
- soft-nudge — A non invasive timer to give you a soft nudge in the right direction.
- spcm — Package for Spectrum Instrumentation GmbH cards
- spikeinterface — Python toolkit for analysis, visualization, and comparison of spike sorting output
- stgraph — 🌟 Vertex Centric approach for building GNN/TGNNs
- streamdiffusion — real-time interactive image generation pipeline
- TorchWindow — Display tensors directly from GPU
- tritonclient — Python client library and utilities for communicating with Triton Inference Server
- trtutils — Utilities for making TensorRT easier to use