Reverse Dependencies of csvw
The following projects have a declared dependency on csvw:
- cldfbench — Python library implementing a CLDF workbench
- cltoolkit — A Python Library for the Processing of Cross-Linguistic Data
- collabutils — Utilities for collaborative data curation
- csvcubed-devtools — Development tools and dependencies for use in the csvcubed tooling.
- csvcubed-pmd — Provides functionality necessary to transform RDF Data Cube style CSV-Ws into a format compatible with the Publish My Data platform. Part of the csvcubed family.
- csvw-duckdb — Convert CSVW metadata to DuckDB SQL syntax.
- lexibase — An SQLITE3 extension for handling wordlists in LingPy and EDICTOR.
- linglit — Programmatic access to linguistic literature
- lingpy — Python library for quantitative tasks in historical linguistics
- multicode — A python package to help avoid pitfalls when using unicode for linguistic data.
- pyacc — Python library
- pyasjp — programmatic access to ASJP
- pycldf — A python library to read and write CLDF datasets
- pyclts — Programmatic access to CLTS
- pyconcepticon — programmatic curation of concepticon-data
- pydictionaria — no summary
- pydplace — A cldfbench plugin to curate D-PLACE datasets
- pygeoroc — programmatic access to GEOROC data
- pyglottography — Programmatic curation of Glottography datasets
- pyglottolog — python package for glottolog data curation
- pygrambank — A python library to curate Grambank data
- pyigt — A Python library for handling inter-linear-glossed text.
- pylexibank — Python library implementing the lexibank workbench
- pynorare — A Python library to handle NoRaRe data
- pypofatu — programmatic access to pofatu-data
- pysem — Python library for manipulating semantic data in linguistics
- pytsammalex — Python library
- pytular — TuLaR curation library
- pyvoices — Python library to curate "* Voices" data
- segments — Segmentation with orthography profiles